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Had A Nice Surprise...........and Became Unwell.


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Hello guys , what a last few weeks , I seem to have spent most of it either flat on my back in bed , hugging the toilet , head down or stumbling about in utter sheer disbelief :P ..............

Let me explain :)

Last Autumn hubby took me to look at a new vacuum cleaner in a large store ( I will not say what store or where for legal reasons) So in we went and walked up and down the row's of appliances , hubby saw one he likes so went to pick it up .

IT was an upright sort and was on a shelf at his shoulder level, not secured to the shelf , no signs about 'dont touch' or ' ask for help ' , nothing , just row after row of vacuum cleaners and us ............not a sales person in sight , which is a change !

Having taken hold of the handle he lifted the vacuum just off the shelf and into the middle of the isle I was in , I was about 3 feet from hubby , just standing there , as you do :unsure:

Then all **** broke loose !!!!!!

As hubby lifted and swung the hoover into the isle in front of me ...........the outer handle came away ..........the body of the vacuum dropped to the floor hitting it with some force and sending it hurtling towards me at an angle ..........broken handle piece first. :) it struck my outer right thigh with such force I almost passed out with the pain and crumpled in two with tears of sheer pain running down my face .

To cut a long story short , hubby came to my rescue, got help , got a wheel chair , I went to hospital and a large hematoma was discovered on my thigh and the actual muscle/fat/ tissue was damaged ........for life !

I spoke to the head office of the company , they didn't want to know , they were rude and they were verging on being very offensive to me, so then my solicitor took over .

IF the company concerned had been nice to me , apologised and asked how I was I wouldn't have taken this matter any further , but they didn't , in fact they went as far as to produce witnesses who claimed they had heard my husband tell someone that they knew the handle was broken , they then said my husband took all the screws out of the handle :o and then claimed that there were notices between every vacuum saying 'please dont touch , ask for help ' .............all utter lies. :o

So back and forth letters went , doctors reports , consultants letters about the accident and my condition .

My solicitor told me that the most anyone had ever been awarded for such an accident was between ?1,500 and ?2,000 so that was fine I said as it wasn't the money it was the dam principle of the thing .

So why have I been throwing up, hitting the floor, flat on my back or skipping ( ha, ha) about the place ?????

On the 8th I got a letter from London ( my solicitors) saying the other side had admitted they were at fault and accepted all charges of negligence ( all 30 + now ) and had made me an offer 'upfront' as they didn't want to go to court ...............?3,500 :o

Having read the letter ......I felt a bit shaky, then my eye's blurred , according to hubby I went pure white/blue/ red then grey ..............and vomited all over the place :D ......and again............up the stairs..........and again .......in the bathroom.

I have just spent the past few days in a state of utter happiness, utter sickness , utter head banging out of control , feeling 'blur' and feeling leave me alone I cant take anymore at this time :blink:

As my brother said on the phone tonight

' Good heavens , if this is what you are like getting a for a small amount , what would happen if you won the lottery ..........a wow , gasping the heart , thanks very much and good bye world , as you hit the floor '

at this he started to laugh , then I heard a crash and muttering , he's dropped his coffee cup and contents down himself and all over the phone with his laughter ............ha ! that'll serve him right ! B)

So I'm back in my feet now, feeling very happy just before christmas ( hubby , brother and son having a very nice one this year ) and just awaiting the postman to come soon :P .

I'm going to give some of it to my charity and out some in my sons university account .and the rest ? well spoil my family and friends with some nice things this year for Christmas .

Its nice to be back again. Willows.

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Thanks , still not heard anything else yet , but now more stuff has started again at the house :)

A few days ago I had a phone call from my pension providers , I dont get my pension yet as I'm not old enough :) quite !!!

But I have my pension allowance from the government placed into my own private pension fund , well anyhow this woman comes on the phone line and Say's that she's from my pension company and that there has been another government pension award or something along that lines and that she needs to make an appointment for my agent to call on me to speak to me about it ................fine I say .

So an appointment was made for today at 10 am ............I was still feeling rather unwell from a couple of days of feeling dizzy and sick on and off all day , so not the best of days to come.

Go up and dragged myself into some clothes , sweating so much I had to change again before 10 am , sat there.......sat there, ..............sat there.............12 pm came and no agent I got cross and found after about an hour the phone number ( I say an hour as I had to call about 6 different numbers to get the right one )

Well can you believe this .........................

The agent that was supposed to come to see me is based over 400 miles away and doesnt deal with my area! and not only this but is in Spain on hoilday .............. :( no one can understand why this appointment has been made with this man when he's away , and when he's not my agent ! And even worse ...............there is no new government award , it happened last year ?????

So I'm very angry at this time and wondering if someone is playing about .

Hopefully tomorrow someone from the company will call me with more details as to whats done on .


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