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Questions Re: Midodrine


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I have a few questions re: mididrone that I should have asked my doc at my appt. but now won't see her for a month so if anyone has any experience or can help with my questions I'd appreciate it.

1. I know midodrine is in your system 4-5 hr but do you need to build it up over a period of time to feel benefits or are they suppose to be instant?

2. I'm on .1 of flornief does anyone take both flornief and midodrine?

3. Does the chills feeling go away after using this for awhile?

4. Does anyone who don't pass out use this?

my doc prescribed 5mg for 1 wk than 5 mg 2x a day. That seems like a small amount.

5 Can midodrine be used only on an as needed basis...........like if you have a special event or having a bad spell or would this be ineffective?

6. They prescribed midodrine to see if it helps with the migraines and nausea thinking their is not enough blood getting to my brain therefore sending off wrong signals. Anyone else use it for this reason?



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I can share my experience at least (but keep in mind that you may be different).

1. Midodrine helped me start doing physical therapy almost instantly, but the two together made me feel better over a week or two. It's hard for me to separate the two.

2. I take both florinef and midodrine.

3. I don't find the chills to be as horrible anymore, but they're still pretty bothersome

4. I was not fainting when I started midodrine.

I take 10mg 3x/day.

(I'm not sure about the rest, but hopefully someone else can help)

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:wub: 1. I know midodrine is in your system 4-5 hr but do you need to build it up over a period of time to feel benefits or are they suppose to be instant?

*hmmm... i had to get my blood pressure taken 3 times a day when i first started taking it so i would say it should start working soon.

2. I'm on .1 of flornief does anyone take both flornief and midodrine?

*yes i was

3. Does the chills feeling go away after using this for awhile?

*mine didn't when i was taking it. i took it for a few months

4. Does anyone who don't pass out use this?

*sorry i pass out

my doc prescribed 5mg for 1 wk than 5 mg 2x a day. That seems like a small amount.

*for me starting out it was 2.5 2x a day and that amount did increase my bp but i still fainted all the time so he increased it slowly to 7.5 morning, 5 or 7.5 afternoon depending on how active i was that day, and 5 at night.

5. Can midodrine be used only on an as needed basis...........like if you have a special event or having a bad spell or would this be ineffective?

*i don't know but sometime i use it like that anyway. i know i shouldn't self medicate so i am not suggesting that. i would ask a doctor.

6. They prescribed midodrine to see if it helps with the migraines and nausea thinking their is not enough blood getting to my brain therefore sending off wrong signals. Anyone else use it for this reason?

*mine was for passing out but he said it would help the migraines although it actually didn't

dionna :)

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1. Technically the short half-life of midodrine means that it should help right away. That said, if the body is helped by it and thus less stressed in general, it makes sense that one could also feel better after a bit more time on the drug. For this theory to hold up though I would think one would have to be on it more continuously (while awake).

2. I'm not now but was on both for years. I know several autonomic specialists who prescribe them concurrently.

3. They did for me entirely. I haven't had the chills/goosebumps from midodrine for years now.

4. N/A (I do pass out, though I am quite good at "catching" myself after years of practice).

5. Yes, it can. Obviously you need to get your doctor's okay, but I have taken midodrine in varying capacities for almost nine years and have been given the okay to take more or less as needed for most of that time. I have a "normal" dosing on a daily basis, but can take more as needed (or less, as in during my IVIG treatments which caused high BP spikes for me). I do have a BP cuff which means I can keep tabs on that before changing any dosing.

6. This isn't why I was put on it but I do have more coathanger headaches (different than migraines...I get both) and have more orthostatic nausea (different than my gastroparesis nausea) if I'm NOT on my midodrine.

Regarding your dosing, I wouldn't question the 5mg - it's probably the most common dose to start on as it's right in the middle of the "normal" range and there's no reason to take more than one needs - but only twice a day seems a bit skimpy unless your upright "day" is only 8-9 hours (sometimes the case for me these days). But it shouldn't keep you from being able to tell if midodrine might help you. When midodrine was the most effective for me & I was able to be more active I could tell exactly when midodrine would be out of my system and had to make sure I was home and ready for bed by then. If 5mg doesn't do anything for you a higher dose (i.e. 7.5 or 10mg) might be an option.

Hope this helps,

:wub: melissa

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Midodrine works right away. It doesn't need to "build up" in your system before it starts to work. In fact, it doesn't build up in your system, because the half-life is very short. If you don't feel a benefit from it, you may be on too small a dose (they generally start you on a small dose).

I got used to the goosebumps.

I take it only first thing in the morning, because my POTS is worst in the mornings. I only use it on an "as needed" basis.

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I found "psychic derangements" among the side effects listed at this site:


The long-term effects were what concerned me.

I take too many other meds that could interact with florinef, and I am beginning to have difficulty healing. Small cuts that should heal in a few days take weeks, even months. :(

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I have a few questions re: mididrone that I should have asked my doc at my appt. but now won't see her for a month so if anyone has any experience or can help with my questions I'd appreciate it.

1. I know midodrine is in your system 4-5 hr but do you need to build it up over a period of time to feel benefits or are they suppose to be instant?

>Not sure

2. I'm on .1 of flornief does anyone take both flornief and midodrine?

>I have not taken flornief

3. Does the chills feeling go away after using this for awhile?

>the side affects were soooo bad for me I didn't even take the secod dose

4. Does anyone who don't pass out use this?

my doc prescribed 5mg for 1 wk than 5 mg 2x a day. That seems like a small amount.

>I don't pass out

5 Can midodrine be used only on an as needed basis...........like if you have a special event or having a bad spell or would this be ineffective?

>good question

6. They prescribed midodrine to see if it helps with the migraines and nausea thinking their is not enough blood getting to my brain therefore sending off wrong signals. Anyone else use it for this reason?

>I too have migraines, but not sure really what purpose they had in mind when they perscribed it to me?

Hope that helped~Amber~



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1. not sure

2. i've been taking both florinef and midodrine for 2 years now

3. the chills haven't gone away for me, but they're not as bad as they were when i first started taking midodrine

4 i don't pass out as much.. i started with a higher dose of 10mg 3x's a day, but then it made my bp too high so my dr cut the dose in half.. so now i just take 5mg 3x's a day.

5. not sure

6. i never heard of using midodrine to help with migraines... I get migraines all the time but am only on the midodrine to raise my bp.

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