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I have autonomic dysfunction that is getting more progressive. Along with that is POTS. The last few weeks off and on I've had severe pain in my right thigh from mid-way from the knee to the hip. It is like hot pokers are stabbing me when I move the leg or touch it. There is also numbness involved. With rest and quiet for a few days it calms down. Today is extremely painful and I feel so alone. Has anyone else had this problem. I've e-mailed Vanderbilt but not heard back. Thanks for any help.

Cathy :)

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I had something similar not as bad when my symptoms first started though not as bad, I just tried to ignore and not border myself with...

I have autonomic dysfunction that is getting more progressive. Along with that is POTS. The last few weeks off and on I've had severe pain in my right thigh from mid-way from the knee to the hip. It is like hot pokers are stabbing me when I move the leg or touch it. There is also numbness involved. With rest and quiet for a few days it calms down. Today is extremely painful and I feel so alone. Has anyone else had this problem. I've e-mailed Vanderbilt but not heard back. Thanks for any help.

Cathy :)

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Hi Cathy,

I have had this pain in my arms. I don't know if it's the same, but I just wanted to let you know.:)

I don't want you to feel alone.((HUGS))


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Thank you! Today the nerve endings are so touchy that even touching my thigh and front groin area causes sharp stabs. It is awful. I do appreciate hearing from others though. It helps to know you are not alone.


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do you or did you have a rash with it? I would call someone. Sound like a commer. but lydocane patches take the pain away. My side burned and it felt like it was tearing....I put one of those suckers on and felt better. Miriam

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Thank you! Today the nerve endings are so touchy that even touching my thigh and front groin area causes sharp stabs. It is awful. I do appreciate hearing from others though. It helps to know you are not alone.


do you or did you have a rash with it? I would call someone. Sound like a commer. but lydocane patches take the pain away. My side burned and it felt like it was tearing....I put one of those suckers on and felt better. Miriam

I did not have a rash with it but the tearing feeling describes the feeling exactly when I move or touch it. What is a commer? I've never heard of that. Cathy

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Hi Cathy :)

I don't know if mine is similar but, I do get a sharp burning pain in my upper left thigh/groin area. It feels like I pulled a major muscle in there and it burns for a long time. Mine eases up with resting it too. If I rest it completely, it goes away, but, if I start moving around too soon...I'm back to square one :huh:



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