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Pots Caused By Substance Abuse?

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The mechanics of POTS is explained pretty well on the main DINET site, under mechanisms. It's not the same for everyone, but for folks like me with EDS, it's as I described above.

What's different with panic attacks is that the release of catecholes is based on a percieved, rather than an actual threat to the body. In those with POTS, it's an "actual" threat in that failure to keep blood flow to the brain can result in stroke or brain death.

Not sure if that clarifies much? I'm a bit brain foggy today as I overdid it yesterday. I'm barely able to take care of myself right now, let alone my two neglected cats. :)


ps. here's the link to mechanisms


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Guest dionna
If doctors gather their evidence by the conclusion of clinical studies (what we say is only heresay) then why not ask that doctor for the reference to that study regarding substance abuse and POTS.

Prior to my POTS dx my PCP drug tested me 'cause of my tachycardia. :angry:

i was drug tested atleast once a month. one time i was drug tested every week in a month! so i have been there too. one of my symptoms is a "high" feeling so the military couldn't believe me at all.

dionna :P

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Guest dionna

If doctors gather their evidence by the conclusion of clinical studies (what we say is only heresay) then why not ask that doctor for the reference to that study regarding substance abuse and POTS.

Prior to my POTS dx my PCP drug tested me 'cause of my tachycardia. :(

i was drug tested atleast once a month. one time i was drug tested every week in a month! so i have been there too. one of my symptoms is a "high" feeling so the military couldn't believe me at all.

dionna :P

Dionna....I hope the military ran just as many tests on trying to find the etiology of your condition as they did with the drug testing. I can't blame my doctor (although an insult) for testing and questioning me a few times but for the military to repeatedly drug test you? Again did they bother with other tests?

oh yeah eventually i had the million dollar work up once i proved to them i wasn't faking it and it wasn't anything i was doing wrong. they did a lot of testing, and i was placed in the hospital for 8 months and sent to nih just across the street.

dionna :(

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What a nut!

This guy is probably talking about drug induced hypotension. He really should pull his Merck manual out of the closet and begin reading it again. I would be very interested in hearing what his genius ideas on the genetics side of this problem is and what the cause is.

I got one for ya....a new family doctor that is in our old family docs practice told me that the blood pressure issues are caused by the flight or fight response. I just looked at her dumbfounded and said really. Where do they get these ideas from? amazing.

i was told by a navy corpsman that i was passing out continuously because of impounded earwax! yeah right. i've heard a lot of them. oh and i forgot to mention before that i have never used drugs. so that doc is totally wrong. atleast i am sure in many cases.


Wow, that's interesting......I've heard a lot of strange ones as well over 20 years as a military wife. Our complex health issues were too much for most that we dealt with while in the military and physicians we saw then were constantly changing, goes along with the territory but it didn't make things any easier for a complex patient. You would find a good one and then he/she would get orders out so it was very difficult to establish a good patient doctor relationship to begin to get any answers to complex problems. They tried to help though. I never had one suggest drug testing though, I probably would have blown my stack on that one if they had. That's terrible you experienced that type of treatment.

For us as a EDS patient, we were told at hopkins that our orthostatic problems/tachycardia we experienced goes along with the EDS in some EDSers due to laxity in the vessels & poor circulation. It makes me wonder if that is why Midodrine seems to help us function a little better. There are different opinions on this theory I've heard from different physicians myself. Although it makes sense, who knows the true root cause...It seems there are so many of different causes out there for this ailment.

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