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I started taking Midodrine today (5m.g. 3 times a day) and I noticed my blood pressure is slightly higher than normal. I think it is still safe at this reading (varying 119/74 to 128/79). I think it is helping my heart rate and I am excited about that. My h.r. used to run 96-100 sitting down after a meal. Today it was 86 after a meal and 71-78 at other times.

It also seems to be helping with postural tachycardia. The side effect I noticed is the goose bumps on the head problem. I can tolerate that if it helps with the tachy.

Do you think the b.p. is o.k. at this level?


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My BP runs from 104/72 to 114/78 on Midodrine. I take 10 mg 3 times a day. My pulse is from 52-99 while I am on it. Today my BP was only 90/68.

I'm curious as to whether or not being in hot weather for a little while (10 minutes or so) would affect how the Midodrine works, since hot weather dilates your veins....? Anyone know?

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I am now on my second day of Midodrine and have not felt as good. My blood pressure has been in the 130's (as high as 139/83). My pulse is still good but today I have a strange feeling in my head and a little headache.

As for the hot weather, when I was in the hot sun yesterday, the top of my head felt more tingly than when I was inside.

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Hmmmm, have you th ought about calling your doctor who prescribed the Midodrine? Maybe you need a smaller dose like 2.5mg....Just a thought! :unsure:


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I have been thinking the same thing. I don't know if 139/83 is too high but it definitely is high for me! I will call him Mon. Meanwhile, I have stopped taking the Midodrine until then.

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