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Need Some Help With What To Do...

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Some of you might have read that I had blood work come back as being anemic. Iron levels, ferritin and b12 seem okay. Hemoglobin and hemocrit are low and monocytes are high at 12%.

My new primary wants to send me for a colonoscopy. I am dreading drinking that stuff (I had to do it last year for a laparoscopy). I just want to throw up thinking about it.

My blood tests show I was anemic back in Feb. too although no one informed me of this...yes, I switched PCPs.

So, do I go ahead and do the colonoscopy or schedule a visit with the hemotologist first? I'm thinking maybe he/she will be able to look at my numbers and understand what is going on...I'm doubtful that a colonoscopy will find anything, but you never know I guess.

What would you do?

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Anemia can be caused by any number of things. They should test your stool for occult blood, that's so easy. Do you have a history of GI bleeding? Also, if your periods are on the heavy side, that can be a problem.

The whole time I had periods, I was transfusable. Even 20 years after my hyst, I'm still on the low side.

It's a hard decision to make I'm sure. I don't mind having colonoscopies, but I've had a lot of them, and that's just me. I might just ask the doctor to check three or four stools for blood and go from there. But again, that's just what I would do.

I like to start simple and move up to the more difficult things. morgan

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Well, I just made an appointment with one of the hemotologists at the main campus of Cleveland Clinic. I only live about 30 miles away. It is for June 28th. I guess since I've been anemic since Feb. or probably longer, I'm not going to bleed to death in 2 weeks :(

I know they are going to schedule my colonoscopy before that date. Should I or shouldn't I?

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I would say, if you have noticed blood in your stools or you have a history of GI bleeding or your physician has done the simple test for blood in stool and it came back positive, then have the colonoscopy if he and you feel it is necessary. Depends on how anemic you are and other physicial problems you may have going on such as heavy periods or not, etc. This is a call that you and your physician must make.

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