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Ssdi Doctor Appointment Went Well!

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Ok been so worried about my appoitment for over a month now, and I am finally had my appointment today. Guess what it when well. Like it almost went to well. I came with all my medical records, and also came with the Dinet brocher, and Dr. Grubbs artical. I gave the copies of medical records, to him along with the brocher, and articals. He was happy to listen, and even let me break down and cry. He was very nice and at the end, he said that he was going to support me, and that I am as sick as I am saying. He said they should approve me, and if not to get a lawyer and appeal as there is move then enough info, to prove I can no longer work.

Wow finally so good news. I still don't want to get my hope up, but at least the appointment went well! I should know in 30 day or so. Please keep me in your prayers and thoughts. Also thanks for all the support so far! B)

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congrats on getting through the appointment, being so well prepared, & lucking out with what seems to be a good doc. i hope the process continues to go smoothly for you...

:lol: melissa

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