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As good as it gets??

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Just needing to vent my frustration, as I'm sure all of you have similar feelings. Saw my doc yesterday who basically said we have you as stable as we can hope for, with her arms crossed and a baffled look. It would have been good news had I been feeling better than I have seems that I have been extremely fatigued and memory problems and all I could think of was the movie "as good as it gets" kind of made me smile but saddened me too. I'm only 30 and this is it?? I'm having my own pity party, will take me a couple of days and then will be through with it. Just frustrates me to see others my age with so much energy and I have to plan my activities around naps and not doing anything on Sat so I can hope to on Sunday, I know we all feel this so just thought I'd share my pity party with anyone who would like to join :o

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Hey I'm there with yah. The last few days have been a trial, emotionally, physically and so on. I went to my primary yesterday and he was so nice that I was apologizing for being a problem child and it's been a few months (I think) since I saw him last.

Usually I get the it's as good as it gets or were running out of things to try. And I know that there are only so many treatments that they have for us, so it's not like he's lying. Just being bluntfully honest :o Sometimes it's hard to take because I want a better quality of life. Who wouldn't! I know were not asking for anything unusual. Everyone wants a good quality of life, it's just harder for us to get.

My treatment has changed over the last month and I have felt really bad for the past week. He was very nice and let me go over to the hospital for fluids. I didn't feel good right away but after about 6 hours, I noticed a huge difference. :) I wish I would have begged for them last friday or no later than monday. Everyday counts!

Hang in there!


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my doctor has been very up front with me also, and tho it's not really what i want to hear, at least he's honest. it's better than being strung along and lied to. we do try different things, but he has said you will never be well again all we can hope for are more quality days. it is hard to hear, i know, but unfortunately sometimes it just is. you might try a different doc that is more willing to try more things and see what happens. like a second opinion thing if you really like this doctor. hope you start feeling better soon. and vent away! morgan

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"As good as it gets"...the same line has gone through my mind at times but nobody has said it to me yet (with emphasis on yet because I don't quite feel my treatment has even begun even though I was diagnosed months ago as I don't feel I even have a doctor). My best advice, don't let yourself feel limited by that statement nor do it to yourself as I have done to myself at times by asking myself that question...is this as good as it gets? There is power in positive thinking I believe (though getting ahold of that mindset is my struggle)...I just think if I accept a pronouncement of defeat or pronounce it over myself I will be doing myself a disservice...persevere and don't internalize that statement...tell yourself things WILL get better and don't stop until they do.

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