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Hi, all. Monday, I had my follow-up appointment to check my pacemaker (which I have had for one month now). The appoinment took two hours. The tech kept rerunning the reading because she thought a lead in my pacer was not working correctly. So... we thought the surgery would have to be redone. I could have cried!

Well, the pacer is fine but I have documented atrial flutters now!!! It irritates the heck out of me because I knew I needed a defibrillater instead of a regular pacemaker. But, because I didn't have "atrial fib" (or so they thought when it was put in) it wasn't necessary! Arrrgh!!!! And the thing is it wasn't like a fluke- it was present every time she ran the reading.

So, now I have to be meticulous about taking my beta blocker which I had weaned myself off of thinking I was doing so much better. I go back in a couple of months to have it rechecked. It just annoys the you know what out of me because I have been saying for three years that I thought I had atrial fib!!! My cardio was not overly concerned but he said the beta blocker was a nonnegotiable thing now. So, there you go. Just a little ticked. But... overall, the pacemaker still has made a huge improvement in my life.

Oh, and when they check the pacer they can tell how often it paces. Mine has been pacing about 13% of the time. Which means it probably it paces at night while I'm asleep and that is why my mornings have been so much better. It only stimulates the bradycardia it does nothing to slow down the tachycardia. Hence, the need for the betablocker. Well, thanks for reading this- I know it could be much worse but its frustrating!


PS I don't mind the beta blocker I'm just ticked about the atrial flutters that have not been "caught" before

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Oh, Carmen. How frustrating and irritating is that. Sure takes away some of the confidence you put in the doctors when they miss something signifigant like this. Are they going to watch if the betablockers control the a-fib before looking into the need for a different pacer? I am glad that you are having some positive effects from the new one. Having some better days can mean so much! Take care. Laura

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Well I understand how it feel with the pacemaker. I had mune put in in 2004. I have a dual chamber and am paced 87% in the top and 3% on the bottom. THe one thing nice about the pacer in the even motiners. the only time I am not paced much is when my heart is racing. I take beta bocker ( metorprol sp?) to help 3 times a day. I helps some. THe one thing that is nice it they can make adjustment to fit your needs. Like my pacer is set at 70 beat per min. I was better there then when it was set at 60. When ever you go in for a chect just tell them how you are feeling and they will can try to adjust it to help you.

I hope the med help you out! :)


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The only blood thinner I am on is the heparin I use to flush my iv's. In the past I was on plavix, after I had a series of tia's. But, no he didn't say anything- I guess he took it for granted that I knew that or thought I was already on an aspirin regimen. Kind of scary ESPECIALLY with my hx.


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