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The weather here is starting to change, and by now most of you have heard me complaining about my weight gain with Lexapro. Well we are quickly climbing up to the forty pound mark. I pulled out my summer clothes just to throw some shorts on to sit in the backyard while my husband did some yard work. NOTHING FIT!!! NOT EVEN MY "STASHED FAT CLOTHES" I have never been so disgusted in my life, actually I was so upset I started to make myself feel worse then I already had today :rolleyes:

My appointment with Dr. Grubb is next Tuesday, I am so tempted to quit taking this stuff and just have him put me on something else in a week. My skin actually feels like it is stretched to the max. I actually eat quite healthy I don't know what else to do :(

Sorry I just needed to vent.


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Try not to focus on that part, if you can. I know i hit my highest weight ever this week, despite being on Weight Watchers! I'm in the process of weaning myself off of Celexa...and I think my guts are trying adjust. Right now, things are "moving" very slowly...I swear I'd lose 5 lbs if I could just "go." (I'm speaking in euphemisms so as not to be TOO gross). I can't fit into ANYTHING I own that doesn't stretch because I got rid of my largest sizes when I hit my goal weight the last time I did weight watchers. . . 25 lbs ago (I'm under 5 feet, so that's what 35 to 40 would look like on a normal frame).

I feel for you. Perhaps there is a better SSRI for you that doesn't seem to promote so much weight gain? Or, perhaps something different altogether. I wish you luck with your Dr. G visit.


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Wellbutrin is an AD that doesn't cause weight gain; it works well for some dysautonomics. There's also psychostimulants like Ritalin and Dexedrine; but whether or not you can tolerate those will depend on the cause of your condition. They work great for some, worsen symptoms for others. Talk to your doctor about these things; there are lots of options.

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bless your heart. dont get discouraged, its just something that you have to over come. my latest problem is the brain fog. i never had it before and just lately its getting debilitating. wait, what was i saying. im kidding, but it does get really bad. i forget where im going when i leave the house and half the time i come back without what ever i went out for. i take zoloft and love it. i tried effexor and lexapro and my body reacted very badly to them. ask dr. g if he can put you on something that doesnt have weight gain as a common side effect. good luck at your appt.

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Well I guess misery loves company because I am also at my highest weight ever, the weather is nice here and my clothes have all shrunk also :rolleyes:

I take Lorazepam for anxiety/adrenaline rushes as it seems to be the only thing to help. I have tried 2 different SSRI's without much success, but have a prescription for Paxil that I may try. But I know that the Lorazepam has strongly contributed to my weight gain as well. I don't know what else to do though.

I hear your frustration and I hope that Dr. Grubb has some better solution for you.

(( HUGS ))

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I too am frustrated by my inability to lose weight. When I first got sick, I could not keep the weight on, no matter WHAT! I quickly lost more than 30 lbs when I was only 17 and this was over a few months. I constantly struggled to keep the weight on...until I took Depakote for my headaches and left-sided weakness. In about four months, I acutally ended up five lbs away from my original weight pre-illness, only this time I felt gross. I lost a bunch of hair and decided to quit Depakote because I did not want to be a bald, fat 21 year-old hehe. Anyway, I lost some weight immediately and then nothing. I exercise regularly and cannot digest fats plus I still really only have supplements for one to two of my meals everyday. I think our metabolism slows and then we are screwed. However, if you are bothered by your side-effects, you should stop the medicine and then you will probably lose a bunch of the weight and end up just a few lbs short of your comfort zone (like me) or you will end up your old weight again, who knows. In fact, a new medication may help you lose the weight. If the benefits of the Lexapro outweigh the bad (a little pun there), then stick to it because health is more important. I know how frustrated you are though. I was having like 1200 calories a day and exercising on Depakote and I still put on a bunch of weight. When first sick, I ate 3500 calories a day and lost weight. Who knows how our bodies work?!

Also, do you exercise? Try doing some pilates, yoga or slow walks because they feel good and are good for you too. (I am not accusing or blaming or any of those things, just saying I have enjoyed these)

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Ok Sue,

Calm down, this is actually what happen............Little seamstress mice came into your closet over the winter months and resewed (<---- is this a word) your summer clothes to make them smaller because these little mice are EVIL!!! As far as the stretched skin, have your significant other to apply heavily, oil and lotion to these areas, might not help but it will be fun. Ok I was trying to make you smile. I am in the same boat as you. I am off the Lexapro and have been for 6 days now but nothing has change yet. We will get thru this and we will get our bodies back. Hang in there and focus on good stuff and not the bad. So what if we have extra cushion right now on us, well at least we can walk and talk and experience the beauty of our family's love and the flowers that are coming into site now. :rolleyes:

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:) Great post Purplefocus!!!

The weight gain *****! I spoke to a dietician at my last appt. and she put me on a 1400 calorie a day diet. I'm still in the "healthy"(yeah...there's that word again) weight range for my height according to her. But I'm also 20 pounds heavier than I was pre-pots. I finally found someone who would "listen" to me that if I have gained 20 then I could all too easily gain 20 more and I want to stop it before it gets out of control!

I also can do pilates and it feels really good...it not only exercises your body without raising HR but relaxes your mind as well!! It's very soothing and refreshing!

Sue... hang in there it HAS to get better sooner or later! Just do what you can and try to not focus because the more depressed you get the easier your body stores fat! Vicious circle!!!!!!


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Deana, good for your for exercising! That's the part I've been so bad about. I get home after a day at work and school and I'm completely spent...and mornings are just not an option. It's hard enough just getting up in time to be at work.


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Hiss on weight gain. During the course of POTS, I had first lost weight - almost 50 pounds-- then gained weight - even more. Right now, I am down about 25 pounds following my last flare up with POTS last year. Florinef puts weight on. I also have a feeling that midodrine does too. Moreover, I think that sometimes I eat because I feel like I am going to faint. I think that is really POTS rearing its ugly head.

I have a couple wardrobes. One has more stretch than the other. I have just learned to live with it.

My husband had gastric bypass surgery last fall and lost 100 pounds. I am jealous.

Oh well, weight is not everything. The most important thing is to feel good, good enough to function and then some. Who cares about the weight gain? Has the extra weight boosted your blood pressure? That may even be a good thing. :)

Try switching meds. I take zoloft and ritalin (occasionally when I feel really low).

Be happy! Don't let the weight gain bother you!

Think of all the new clothes you can buy. I bought some bigger sizes on Ebay and saved a bundle!


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Nina, The pilates doesn't "feel" like exercise! You know how good it feels to stretch really big first thing in the morning? That's what the entire workout feels like! It just lenghtens and strengthens the muscles without the "strain" of a workout! It really soothes your body and helps release tension of a long day! You should watch a video of it and see what I mean. I bought Denise Austin's pilates/yoga for like $10 at Wal-mart.

Even still I'm not as faithful as I wish I was with it! Laziness rears it's ugly head from time to time :)

I'm excited though for the spring to finally be here this year! With the Octreotide treatment I'm on I will be able to actually walk or maybe even ride a bike (short distances of course) And enjoy the spring breeze! I haven't been able to do that for at least two years now!

Sue, I hope you can cut yourself some slack for the weight gain B) your body is going through alot of changes and alot will happen before it "stabilizes" -flash back to when you were 13? hehehe couldn't resist sorry! :)


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You guys are scaring me. I have been gaining weight steadily. i am not at my highest weight, but if this continues I will be higher!!! Yesterday I went out and bought new clothes for summer nothing fit. I was also looking for a new pair of jeans, but can not find anything that fits right or my butt does not hang out the back of!! These new syles are something else. All of the shorts pants I bought I made sure where stretchy for those days of bloating. Yuck!!!.....

Nina, I did lose five pounds the other day after finally taking some laxatives. I was up all night,but it was such a relief. Gross!

I hope I don't outgrow my new clothes!!


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Guest Julia59

Unfortunately wellbutrin made me GAIN weight. All I know is the weight came rapidly after the wellbutrin---and my diet was not changed---other then I could finally eat a fairly normal amount of food---but still had to stick with small portions---due to slow bowel motility.

Calorie--for calorie---I really don't put much food away by the end of the day. but still even though I watch the calorie amount---I now try to watch rifined sugars---and things such a crackers and pretzals. Even though I always stick with low fat snacking items----they still convert to fat---because of the heavy carbohydrates in them. I just try to stick with they right type of carbs--i.e.->whole wheat, fruits and so on.

I now have a different user ID no. My husband messed mine up when he registered, so I had to register over again.

Julie :0)

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