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Ok today, they dropped off my oxygen. I had a machine for the house, and then a small one to go out when I need to, it uses liquid oxygen. I feel better some, but does over help help that much, or does it just take the edge off. My doctor is using becaues of how bad my headaches have been, plus my bp is so low anymore, and meds are not helping. So just looking for anyone that has tried oxygen and if it help or not.

Have a great night!


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Yes Ma'Am,

It does help. I sleep with it. and I wake up early and refreshed, as much as we can!!!! My bigget problems is my loss of memory, I forget to put it back on after getting up. When I remember Its great. Miriam :):rolleyes::lol:

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Hi..I'm so glad that you got some oxygen!!.. when i am given oxygen it does help me tremendously...!!!

let us know how you are doing with it..

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hey.. how did you guys get insurance to pay for your O2?? where you O2 levels down??

Ihave treid in the past to get O2 for home use.. for my lung disease alone.. and the docs tell me that. that insurance wont pay for it b/c my O2 and blood gases are right on the line ...

I know that it has helped with my Pots symptoms tremendously in the past.. and I'm sure that it would help with my lung disease as well.. one doc told me that 5 yrs from now.. that there will be no way that an insurance company will be able to refuse to pay as my breathing will get worse.. :o lovely thought.....

so I'm just wondering how you guys got you oxygen.. and if you have any pointers....



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this is a bit off topic, as i know nothing about the oxygen question...

but i am in PA also, and i just wanted to say you can't get insurance to pay for anything anymore! do you have Medicaid or Medicare. I'm one of those lucky ones who never worked enough to pay into the system b/c I got sick right our of college...so I have MA...and I am fighting like crazy to get Allegra and Ambien covered. I have, like three meds that have worked for me and they won't pay for them! Any tips????

they have this new list of 'preferred' drugs and the only sleep meds on the list are restoril and trazadone, neither of which i can tolerate.

it's so much fun...the nurse at my pcps office is INCOMPETENT and has been sitting on the allegra thing for five months (i have records of all of the email correspondence with her, but not of all of the phone calls and office visits) and giving me samples instead. she says she 'can't get through to MA'...then suddenly when they reps no longer come with samples, no meds for me and she can suddenly remarkably get through to MA! but, no approval and now i am going to have to appeal and yadda yadda...and she should have done this earlier so i wouldn't be in this situation.

oh, man, i am so sorry...the insurance question got me! i'm so frustrated. i have no energy as it is.

i AM grateful that i even have the SSI and MA, as i know so many others are still fighting for their disability stuff, but it IS incredibly frustrating to me that a panel of 'experts' determine which drugs are 'good' and which aren't useful and make it so hard to get the meds you need.

okay, big rant...so sorry. didn't mean to!


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Em.. I totally know what you mean!! the "prefered "drug list major bites!

I unfortunatly dont have any advice in regards to MA coverage.. other then its not so great.. but better then no coverage at all..

that nurse sounds lieka real winner i tell ya.. give me her number I'll set her straight for you!! LOL!!

assetiveness is not a strong point of mine.. so this would be a good learning experience!! my freinds tell me that i'm too nice... and need to learn to be mean and *itchie.. LOL...

hang in there em.. If I figure a way i'll let you know..


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When sleeping my pulse ox dropped to the low 80's for a few times. Sleeping with the nasal canula helps. When I feel potsy I put it on got 50 feet of tubing . Can't hurt. And yes I have become unconsious. Sleep apnea for me is athe common denomonator. ALSO VERY IMPORTANT--Narcotics and other drugs DEPRESS the respiratory system.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Miriam

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