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Severe Sleep Apnea & O2 Desaturation


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me again...i'm on a bit of a posting spree this evening as i'm getting used to typing with my tingly hands & arms...

so in a roundabout way i found out the results of my sleep study today....at least the short version. oddly enough from the nephrologist who my PCP was trying to get to help me with procrit, but that's beside the point. the results were in the computer system and he was shocked to see that i hadn't heard back from the neuro that ordered the test & that i didn't have a sleep doc follow-up until february (scheduled by the neuro before i had the sleep test). i had called myself multiple times but my neuro had told me he'd call me if the sleep study showed anything of note so i made the mistake of trusting him b/c he didn't call and the study DID in fact show something. and so this really helpful doc called the sleep office himself and got me an appointment for friday. go him.

while i hate having another thing to add to my list of maladies i'm excited about the possibility of it helping to explain my extreme shift in sleeping patterns, exhaustion, etc. since the spring. ends up that i have severe sleep apnea (i think he said the obstructive) as well as O2 desaturation. and the funny thing is that i slept better (or so i thought) at my sleep study than my norm these past months....geesh. i know the basic definition/info on this stuff and have been reading through the old posts on the forum but am wondering if anyone has anything specific to add or suggest so i can go well-armed to my appt with the sleep doc on friday. i obviously don't know for sure but am guessing there will discussion about a CPAP. and despite the fact that my cat will likely think it's a toy to play with i'm thrilled about anything that may help with anything at this point...maybe i actually will have a good night of sleep again someday soon??

it does make me question people giving me sleep meds though without really knowing any of the why behind my frequent wakings when i've now been reading how they actually make things WORSE for people with apnea. no wonder they all made me feel worse!

i'm only about halfway through the 4 pages of old posts that mention "apnea" but i must say that ernie yours gave me SO much hope. i was SO excited reading about how much the CPAP helped you. and a few other people i think as well....

any thoughts/suggestions for my appt welcome. i want to attack this guy with questions as best as possible....lucky him. thanks all!

:) melissa

p.s. anyone know if O2 desaturation is just part & parcel with the apnea or if it is/can be a separate entity all together? (or if it's different for different people?) obviously i will find out friday but i'm impatient.

Edited by Sunfish
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Melissa, if you have apnea, it means you're not breathing for a period--during that time, your O2 saturation will be dropping, because you're not breathing.

If it is obstructive and the cpap is in order, it should really help lots with your sleep...and probably help you recover from each day a bit better...and help you think more clearly when you're awake.

Nina :)

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Hey there!

That is definitely big information. I can't believe no one followed up. That is irresponsible. I also hate that when we are so sick we are trying to track this stuff down. I spend every little bit of energy making phone calls and trying to get stuff straightened out.

I laughed about your cat playing with the cpap machine.

I guess, in the end, the sleep study was worth the effort...or I really hope that will be the case. A good night's sleep and waking refreshed is a MIRACLE and I hope you will get the help you need soon!



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I have the same situation, I must have @ night sleep study. But in the mean time I have oxygen to wear at night. Nasal canula. See if someone will order it pending sleep study, my doctor said it was the only ethical thing to do. Miriam :)

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thanks for the replies. i've since done some more of my own research & the apnea/desaturation thing is a bit clarified for me. i knew they were connected but didn't know if they could happen independently as well. if someone has mild apnea it's possible for sats to be totally fine but with severe they're pretty much guaranteed to be low. so...for me it's likely one and the same. it's more a matter of the deatiled numbers, which i'm obviously eager to see.

miriam, i already had the sleep study. and my understanding is that O2 won't do much of anything if the body isn't breathing anyway b/c of obstructive apnea. i think O2 is sometimes used for central apneas that don't respond to CPAPs but is still debatable. what is the exact reason that indicated your getting the O2?

and yep, i am pretty psyched about the news actually. b/c it may actually be something with fix. and good sleep to come sure as heck can't hurt the rest of my messed up body. i just hope that feet don't get dragged even more b/c of the holidays. i'm doing to drive the doc nuts come friday but - check this out - i found that the one i'm seeing actually did research (not sure if published...just saw a recruitment ad in a newsletter) on the connection between the autonomic nervous system and apnea. how cool is that?? so he may actually have a clue! always a pleasant surprise :)

ernie, i'm glad that your better sleep and its good effects are still sticking around. i'd read your former posts about your testing, diagnosis, & getting the machine but am glad it wasn't short lived. hopefully i'll have the same experience. has it helped fatigue for you at all?

i'll fill ya'll in after my appt on friday. santa may not bring me a new body but maybe at least some restful sleep....

:blink: melissa

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One thing I might recommend? They now have nasal cannulas for the CPAP, which allow for freer movement, as opposed to the bulky mask that's fastened on. I've read a few studies on them, and haven't heard anything negative.

You might ask about it. The doctor may not like them, but if he's okay with them, they do seem easier to adjust to. Just a thought. Good luck. As a side note, on not getting back to you, my son's EX rheumy called us last week to let us know his MRI of the tumors in his leg were unchanged. The mri was done in July and we'd known the outcome since then. As I said, his ex rheumy....morgan

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I use the nasal canulas, noo problem. There is also a very cool one that is a vey small wire around the forehead, and around the opening of your nose and something small by mouth. Looks kinda like the wiring for IPOD. I'll let you know. I must have a 2 night sleep study, no one has told me why yet. The sleep centre that we Both Mark and I are going to is just down the street, and nicer than many hotels.!!!!!

Peace and Oxygen to all Miriam

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i'm going to post a new topic re: the outcome of my appt with the sleep doc, but didn't want to ignore your earlier responses...

morgan that is outrageous about your son's (former) doc. never ceases to amaze me....

i too have read about the nasal pillow version of the CPAP masks. they don't work well for all, esp at higher pressures, as you can feel the air a lot more directly that with a nasal mask, but i'm definitely going to give them a shot as - like you said - they're a lot less cumbersome overall.

miriam i hope your study goes well. often two nights are needed if apnea is the diagnosis - the first for baseline information & the next for titration with the CPAP. glad that things are working for you so far & let us know how the study goes after you do it. do you have it scheduled yet? and my sleep clinic is also just down the street from me, aka years back i could have almost walked. yours sounds over the top in terms of how nice it is but mine definitely isn't bad.

thanks ladies (and if curious for more of the scoop check out my new posting :) ),

B) melissa

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sounds good.. i'll be thinking of you!

B) melissa

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