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hearing loss/problems?


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just wondering if anyone has had hearing loss or problems, it seems my hearing is somewhat differant, i mean i had it tested when i first got sick but it seems like i have to really really listen to what people say or i can't hear it all. the tv is a big issue i have to turn it up to hear and it drives me crazy....


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Yep, Susie, I have the same problem. If someone wants to talk to me, they have to get my attention first, or I won't hear them. It seems like I'm always asking people to repeat themselves...it gets annoying!!

I'm not sure if it's POTS related because I do have slight hearing loss, but then I got it checked a few years ago, I didn't need hearing aids!

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I have problems understanding anyone if there is any other noise in the room. Everything just gets garbled up. Also my hearing is very sensitive now. I can not handle loud noises or even music, it causes a lot of problems for me. Sudden sounds just freak me out now such as the phone ringing or the doorbell. Mrs. Glass


just wondering if anyone has had hearing loss or problems, it seems my hearing is somewhat differant, i mean i had it tested when i first got sick but it seems like i have to really really listen to what people say or i can't hear it all. the tv is a big issue i have to turn it up to hear and it drives me crazy....


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I have a 30-40% hearing loss, but it's never been linked to dysautonomia. It's supposedly due to the incessant ear infections as a baby, 5 surgeries, and hardening ear drums.... but it is odd in that it's from nerve damage, as opposed to a conduction problem.. hmmm.. but anyway, I have hearing aids but I never wear them. Most of the time I'm OK, I just have to ask you to repeat yourself a lot! Especially if it's a noisy room- then I'm miserable.

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Hi, I suffer from vestibular hypofunction. My hearing is bad for a 21 year old. They said they think that I had a viral infection in my left ear that caused nerve damage which then caused the severe vertigo I suffer from...as if the whole POTS ordeal wasn't enough!

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