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getting pregnant

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I have read that a lot of you had problems getting pregnant. My husband and I are thinking about having a baby soon and I know that it is something that I will have to work very closely with my doctor on as far as the medications, but I was wondering if your difficulties getting pregnant were attributed to your POTS or to something else. I am worried about my health and the health of the baby. I am glad to know that it is possible to have a baby when you have POTS. Also did you feel better or worse when you were pregnant. I have heard mixed opinions from doctors about it.

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I got POTS just after pregnancy, so I didn't have a problem conceiving. However, my doctor told me that of the three POTS patients he has, one gets better each time she has a baby, the other gets worse, and the third stays about the same. So that ought to give you an indication of the predictability of this illness.

I think if you want to have a baby, just plan to take extra time off afterward and maybe the last month before you have the baby. And arrange for extra help afterward (i.e., relatives or friends). This illness came from out of nowhere, and I didn't think I'd need help, but I did for the first two months.

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April, this is what Dr. Low at Mayo has to say about pregnancy and POTS:

"The effect of pregnancy on POTS and on patients with OH [orthostatic hypotension] are two different questions. We have limited information on POTS and pregnancy. These patients being typically female and being fertile can become pregnant. Our patients have managed very well during their pregnancy and the delivery. They typically do very well during their pregnancy, feeling better than when they were not pregnant, especially during the first and second trimesters.

They should not be on any medications during their pregnancy.

The advice I give is as follows. They need to feel sufficiently well that they can manage without any medications. They need to be on a high salt, high fluid regimen. Their pregnancy should go well but should be managed as a high risk pregnancy by their obstetrician. During their delivery, their physicians need to ensure that they are volume expanded and like other high risk deliveries, they should not have to undergo prolonged labor. Finally, I tell them that they should be aware that they may feel worse in the puerperium (after their delivery) when their symptoms may return.

Dr Phillip A. Low , M.D.

This quote comes from the NDRF web site; check out that site for even more information about pots and other dysautonomias.

Can you function without the florinef and the other medications you're currently taking? I wouldn't get pregnant while taking these drugs; many doctors have told me that they're not approved for use during pregnancy. I wouldn't put myself or my baby at risk that way. (Cardiologists even recommend being off beta blockers, especially during the first trimester while baby's organs are forming. Best to stay off all drugs through entire pregnancy, tho some beta blockers are considered ok during 2nd and 3rd trimesters. I don't think you said you were taking that though...)

I think you said you were young ... tho now I can't remember exactly how old you are. If you can, consider waiting a bit until you're less symptomatic and can get along without medications. (Wear those compression hose! Drink that water! Eat salt!)

Also, everything I've heard from all kinds of physicians who know about POTS say that it doesn't affect one's ability to become pregnant.

Good luck, and be well,


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I don't believe I will battle to fall pregnant at all. It is the one part of my body that looks normal. My doctor has advice me to not consider becoming a mother. Due to all the physical challenges my body gives me. But you must remember we all are very unique with very unique problems. I have 5 diseases and this makes it a little more challenging. I am prettified of leaving my blood pressure tablets and pain tablets. I don't know how I will make nine months with out Brufen. This morning alone I had so much pain again, I could not stand on my feet.

I wish you the best of luck and a wonderfully healthy pregnancy. My the Lord bless you with a beautiful, healthy baby! Just take one day at a time and see what happens. Once you pregnant you can't turn back. Find a educated caring doctor and just pray! :)

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Agree with all the posts above--each woman is unique in how she will manage with pregnancy and POTS. POTS does not affect fertility though--that's a separate issue. Personally, I, like calypso, had no trouble conceiving (at age 33). If I had known what was wrong with me, and had managed it (of course, most of the POTS drugs you really should avoid during pregnancy), my experience, including delivery would probably have gone much better. BUT, the pregnancy itself was fine and not threatened by POTS, and I did give birth to a happy, healthy 10 pound 2 oz 29 inch baby girl!

Best wishes to you. And, I hope you are among the many POTS patients who feel wonderful during pregnancy!


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