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Celiac Disease?


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For the past year ive been having bad stomach problems. I have terrible wind and often get consipation and severe bloating. When the wind passes through its huge! Ive been awakening feeling sick and having semi-diarrhea. I also get fatigue, weakness and lack of energy that i thought could be diabeties but ive been tested for that.

Ive never thought about what the problem was until i started reasearching on the internet. I feel very weak and tiered when my stomach is going on one. Once my stomach calms down i stop feeling weak and begin to feel normal.

The symptoms are a pain in the neck and usually make dysautonomia symptoms worse, and can play terrible with my anxiety.

Someone shed some light on the subject if anyone know much.

BTW. i also think im infertile as me and my G/F have been trying for a baby for about a year and she cant get pregnant. But shes been tested so its a 90% chance its me.

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Your stomach problems could easily just be part of your anxiety and/or dysautonomia, or they could be caused by celiac or any number of other factors. Constipation, gas and diarrhea are common symptoms of so many things that it's hard to say. You should speak to your doctor about this.

With that said, I have celiac and had all of the same digestive problems you speak of before I was finally dx'd with it about 5 years ago. When you speak to your doctor, you can ask him/her about getting tested for celiac....it's a simple blood test. Celiac or gluten intolerance does seem to be fairly common among those of us with dysautonomia.

The best thing to do is speak with a physician for some further testing and some peace of mind. Beware though, the first doc I saw when I was going through the diagnosis phase refused to do any tests and told me I just had IBS (irritable bowel) and said I should eat more high fiber grains - this of course only made things worse since all the grains I was eating were high in gluten. The next doc finally figured it out. Hope you find relief soon, as I know it can be painful and unpleasant! :)


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it's actually established isn't it that some people with dysautonomia are intolerant to certain foods? I can't digest wheat or milk any longer. If I come into contact with them, I bloat and bleed.

I don't have Coeliacs though- was tested for it with a biopsy 2 years ago. Just a wonky autonomic nervous system that doesn't quite work!

If you think it might be wheat related, why don't you try cutting wheat out and seeing what happens? The chances of having true Coelics are meant to be pretty rare, aren't they? Coeliacs and wheat intolerance are technically distinct, though they may appear to be the same- I don't have coeliacs, but I have the symptoms if I come into contact with wheat. The villi of my gut don't get damaged though, and that's the only difference.

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As it goes last night i ate a pizza for tea and early on in the day i had a subway. I love spicey foods i had lots of Jalapenos on both the pizza and subway and i had no problems yesterday, so spicey foods isnt the cause. Ive had no wheat today but what im gonna do is eat toast until about 4pm and have a bowl of weetabix then see what happens. I still havnt went the toilet for a number 2 if nothing comes out by 10pm tonight i know somethings up, as i had alot to eat yesterday.

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I avoid dairy and gluten but am not celiac. My specialist said that the tests can be a bit off and so some people may be intollerant but they dont come up as cealiac. (they just dont have a MAJOR reaction). She just said do what makes you feel better (as long as your vitamin/iorn/calcium etc levels are good).

I would advise you try avoiding the food and see how you go and next time you go to the dr you get a blood test (just remember that you will have to eat the naughty food to show a reaction in the blood test).

Good luck! :blink:

Hang in there if you do go on the diet ... it took me so long to learn to follow it .. it really isnt THAT bad .. but at first it seems like its impossible.

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BB, pizza is wheat based, as are nearly all comercially available buns, rolls, cookies, bagels, muffins, cereals, pasta. What doesn't have wheat is likely to have the other no-no's--barley & rye. This, then, inlcudes beer, all malt based food and drink.

get the testing done... blood work and biopsy is the only definitive way to find out.

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Guest Finrussak

why dont you try a simple elimination diet??? online are many types but usually its a rice, mild veggie sort of thing for just 2-3 days then you slowly and one at a time add foods OR change foods depending upon the plan and what you are testing for. Like when you start an infant on real foods...one at a time and wait a few days to see if it tolerates it.

Keep a strict journal...write everything you eat...and all sx as they happen. Some reactions are HOURS apart from the actual ingestion! ( like you can eat a food Mon evening and not feel anything until Tues afternoon)...the patterns that may emerge will at least help your Drs.

This is NOT instead of a Dr but while you await an appt...this way you can inform him what does and does not affect you badly!!!

And absolutely, many people have a "sensitivity" to wheat but tolerate other gluten grains; or sensitive to all glutens but not truly allergic or "celiac", etc...its a spectrum not unlike dysautonomia in how bad, the sx and what can and wont set it off.

As my background is developmental bio (embryology) Its best for you to see your g/f obgyn if you are worried about infertility...but any autoimmune problem can affect sperm quality, as can meds, diet, stress etc. First see if you even have a problem ( in both your diet and your fertility) before you get worried!!!

Good Luck

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Actually Fin, if he's going to go for testing, he needs to continue eating gluten or the blood work--if he stops eating gluten, then the blood antibody will dissapate, and biopsies will end up looking normal even if he did have Ceoliac/sprue.


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Guest Finrussak


youre absolutely right...about testing.

I was trying to give him some ideas to start figuring it out on his own. Plus if he really reacts to the wheat after eliminating it, blood etc may not be necessary. unless and if his Drs want to tell diff between true celiac and just wheat sensitivity then all he has to do is eat it for 3-4 days again anyway.

Some Drs simply have the pt avoid wheat and/or glutens intuitively w/o tests.

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