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Heart Rate Hypersensitivity


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Hi All,

I have a few symptoms that I was wondering if anyone else with POTS experiences as I feel these specific symptoms may be unique to me. I have noticed that whenever I get mad, nervous, excited, my heart beats much faster and much harder then what it would before I got sick. If I get nervous, mad or too excited about something close to bed time, I will not be able to sleep. Not to be graphic but I get these same symptoms when it comes to sexual arousal, masturbating or having sex in general. My heart will beat much faster and harder then it once did during these activates or experiencing these types of emotions. It is too the point where I have had to stop having sex or masturbating or thinking sexual arousing thoughts for 4 months because it is enough to over stimulate me and prevent me from getting and adequate amount of quality sleep. Maybe these are weird hyper pots symptoms? My theory is I am stuck in a sympathetic dominant state and any activity that is considered sympathetic on the body results in an overexaggerated response for me.  IF anyone has similar symptoms please let me know it would make me feel slightly better if I was not the only one suffering with this symptom 

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@bblassmith yes, what you describe sounds common for POTS. Whenever I become excited for any reason, or I overdo physical activity ( like climbing stairs etc ) my heart starts to beat faster and harder, and I get chest pains and often also become short of breath. In the beginning of my illness this would often lead to fainting and even seizures. I have found that - in addition to taking my medication combo - following a delicate balance of activity and rest helps to minimize these symptoms. However - for me the calcium channel blocker Diltiazem along with the beta blocker Carvelidol have greatly reduced these symptoms ( as long as I live within my limits ). 

Are you following the usually recommended treatments of increasing fluid and salt intake, and are you wearing compression hose? Compression garments especially are helpful with the tachycardia and strong heart beats. 

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Honestly I do drink a good amount of fluids but probably not enough salt. I do have compression socks that go up to my ankles and I haven’t worn them but I will start to now that you mentioned it. Do you also very feel very “tired and wired”? I feel that as well. Do your medications help with that symptom if you ever experienced it before?

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9 hours ago, bblassmith said:

I do have compression socks that go up to my ankles

@bblassmith They recommend compression hose that is thigh-high, if not waist-high. 


9 hours ago, bblassmith said:

Do you also very feel very “tired and wired”?

Yes, I know this feeling! I am exhausted but restless at the same time! I have ADHD and it is quite similar to the restlessness and inattention that comes with that, except the fatigue that occurs at the same time as the restlessness is severe. I explain it to people that it's like pushing on the gas and the brakes at the same time! 

The meds I am on do help with most POTS symptoms but I find that overstimulation still will bring this feeling on. So I am very much in tune with my body by now, and I rest as soon as I feel even the slightest bit "hyper". It appears to be a part of the "Fight-and-Flight" response that comes with excessive adrenaline. 

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@bblassmith The guanfacine did not really affect my fatigue level but the clonidine made me sooo sleepy, I slept all day long and on the fifth night I became extremely hypertensive while in bed and thought I was going to die. I never took it again after that. 

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I have the same issues with my heart rate.  My cardiologist said I was like a finely tuned race car and the slightest touch on the pedal (stimulation) makes my heart rev up.  As for the sex issue, I have found that having it in the morning instead of at night is better.  That way I don't have that adrenaline rush right at bedtime which would interfere with sleep.


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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, jenwic said:

I have recently started on propranolol which seems to help a lot.  My heartrate doesn't go up nearly so much with physical activity.

That is good news! Keep in mind that for many of us the dosage may need to be adjusted up or down over time, so dont be surprised if that happens to you! 

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