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Everything posted by bblassmith

  1. Thanks for the reply @jenwic. I am glad I am not alone. Do you by chance take any medication that helps with this symptom?
  2. Thanks for the reply. I know you said you tried Clonidine. When you tried Clonidine and guanfacine for that short period of time did it take away that “tired and wired” feeling?
  3. Thanks for the reply. How did Clonidine make you feel? What were the side effects?
  4. Honestly I do drink a good amount of fluids but probably not enough salt. I do have compression socks that go up to my ankles and I haven’t worn them but I will start to now that you mentioned it. Do you also very feel very “tired and wired”? I feel that as well. Do your medications help with that symptom if you ever experienced it before?
  5. Hi everyone, For all the hyperpots patients out there who are taking an alpha blocker (clonidine, methyldopa, guanficine, etc.), how long have you been taking your medication? Also was there ever a time where your body stabilized after a period of time and therefore were able to wean off the medication? Are most hyperpots people on alpha blockers for life?
  6. Hi All, I have a few symptoms that I was wondering if anyone else with POTS experiences as I feel these specific symptoms may be unique to me. I have noticed that whenever I get mad, nervous, excited, my heart beats much faster and much harder then what it would before I got sick. If I get nervous, mad or too excited about something close to bed time, I will not be able to sleep. Not to be graphic but I get these same symptoms when it comes to sexual arousal, masturbating or having sex in general. My heart will beat much faster and harder then it once did during these activates or experiencing these types of emotions. It is too the point where I have had to stop having sex or masturbating or thinking sexual arousing thoughts for 4 months because it is enough to over stimulate me and prevent me from getting and adequate amount of quality sleep. Maybe these are weird hyper pots symptoms? My theory is I am stuck in a sympathetic dominant state and any activity that is considered sympathetic on the body results in an overexaggerated response for me. IF anyone has similar symptoms please let me know it would make me feel slightly better if I was not the only one suffering with this symptom
  7. Hi All, I have this one symptom that I found interesting. I try not to drink a ton of water at night because if I have to get up to use the bathroom I have a very hard time falling asleep again and if I do it only seems like a light sleep. Does anyone ever experienced this symptom ?
  8. All I take is a beta blocker at the moment (nadolol 40mgs). I've been on Nadolol for a few years and I have never gotten this side effect from it before. The dry mouth really started to come on during the 4th week of the exercise protocol and I think it has to do with an overactive sympathetic nervous system but that is just my guess. I exercise around 1pm. I guess I need to start going to the gym even earlier then that. I don't know if that will be much of a help. Right now I will probably take a week of from exercise and see how I feel the following week.
  9. I am about a month and a half into the CHOP protocol. I started the first month strong but but these past 2 weeks have been bad. Even though I did not feel good during the first half of the CHOP protocol I still pushed through. These past 2 weeks it has been hard for me to push through. I don't tend to suffer these "pots crashes" where afterwards, I hear patients get very fatigued and exhausted. Instead, whenever I complete a workout session, I get poor quality sleep that night (my sleep is already poor without exercising). I will also stay hot and sweat through my sheets. I have now obtained a new symptom which is my mouth now gets extremely dry 16 hours after the workout session is complete. This symptom does not go away no matter how much water I drink and it makes it that much more difficult to fall asleep when your mouth is very dry. I wish I can say I have noticed improvements but I have not yet and the worsening of symptoms is making it harder to move forward. I feel really hopeless right now. I'm fighting to get better but part of me wonders if these workouts are even going to amount to any recovery for me. DOes anyone experience similar symptoms?
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