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I was just wondering if anyone on here as purchased the cool vest? I went on the website, but for now a little out of my price range. I wondered if and how good they worked. Thought if they worked good, maybe invest in them soon.

My mother-in-law did find a baseball cap that work more or less in the same way as the vest, but of course a lot cheaper. There is also a neck tie (but not like a guy's neck tie). It's more like the girls used to wear (I think) in the 50's. If anyone is interested I can give the catalog info. I should be getting mine in a few days and I can let you know if they work.

My county fair is coming up, and I just about live there, and needed some help for the heat. So, hopefully and hat and tie will work well. :D

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Hi Tracy,

I've recently bought a necktie and a cool-vest. Unfortunately I work in a very hot hospital and being almost a 3rd world country (UK!!) we don't have airconditioning, fans or even window blinds in our hospitals! I was getting to the stage where I couldn't cope at work at all.

The necktie is realy useful for just when it's warm, but not really enough in the heat (yes it does get hot over here sometimes), the vest is great from a cooling point of view, it lasts me about 3 hours before I've defrosted it. With the vest I find my brain fog is much less, my concentratioon better and the tachycardia is less of a problem.

The only problems are that it is very bulky (I wear it under my uniform but look a strange shape!) and I've had to get it adjusted to make it smaller, even on the smallest adjustment it was too big to fasten the velcro. It took about 3 weeks to be delivered but I suppose that was due to UK customs more than the companies delivery times.

For me it has been helpful, given the option, I'd move into the freezer or fridge for comfort! Before I had the vest I used to take freezer icepacks to work and stick them down the front of my top and trousers!!! (Not a very fetching sight I'm afraid!)

I hope you find something which works for you, wishing you all the best. x

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I thought I'd just let you all know, I did receive the hat and neck tie. It is so cool :) . You just soak in cold water for a few minutes, and it stayed cool for hours. I also like the idea of a hat to keep the sun away too.

To Scooby2, I feel for ya with not having AC! I live the summers with my AC on full blast.

The freezer packs would look strange, but hey, if it helps, so what!!! That is what I'm learning real quick, if it helps me that is all that matters, it doesn't matter what others think.

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My husband has a Chillow that he uses at night to sleep on. The heat just radiates from him at night. Although it doesn't perform as advertised, he loves it. I slip it into a clean pillow case, fold it in half and stash it on a refrigerator shelf during the day. He pulls it out and puts it on top of his pillow for sleeping and then back into the fridge the next morning. ( www.chillow.com) Looks like they were originally made for our canine friends!

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I will be buying the coolvest before our next trip to Mexico. We didn't really get to do much off the property of the hotel because it was so very hot. I may also get the mat they have for my version of a "chillow"--they have a mat that's often used for people who are wheelchair bound and need cooling on their back or backside.

I'll post a review once I get my stuff. :lol: It'll be a few months though--I'm thinking of asking my mom for it as a b-day present --we that or a new digital camera! :lol:


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I wear a cool vest. I have a white one. It has 4 inside pockets for the "ice" packs. I wear it every morning when I take my little 15 min. bike ride. I also wear a cold wet dishtowl around my neck. It takes both of these for me to ride the bike without getting too hot if it is between 65-75 degrees outside. Any warmer than that and it is too hot to ride . . . period. I also don't ride below 60 degrees because then I am too cold from the wind. Between 60-65 degrees, I wear my cool vest under a windbreaker jacket. This keeps me from getting too cold on the outside.

Part of my problem is that I generate heat from the exertion of riding the bike, thus I can be too cold to ride when it is around 60 degrees, but I will still get too hot from the exercise!

Anytime I go anywhere, non-exercise, and it is above 75 degrees I wear the dishtowel around my neck with ice in it. Above 85 degrees I don't even go out in the air conditioned car, except of course when Jeff has to go for one of his cancer appointments. Then I venture out with him in the air conditioned car and hurry into and out of buildings.

I like having the vest. I think it helps.

Michigan Jan

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Thanks all for your replies. I think I will save up and get one of the vests. The hat and necktie are pretty cool, but the vest would work even better. It would be great to combine all three.lol


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About the neckties!! I found my neck ties, the same thing you guys are ordering, at Wal-Mart. Not sure if they all carry them, but I am sure if you ask you might be amazed at what Wal-Mart can carry or can get. They were like 3.97 a piece and you didn't have to pay S&H. I also want to give the flea market in Arizona a thumbs up on the fact that they sell the neckties cooled off and ready to go when you are there so you can be cooled off from the heat. Good idea they had. Sure it makes them some money.


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