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bee sting reaction?


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I have a sort of odd question but just thought I'd throw this out there.

I got a bee sting the other day and the next day, I had a red circle form around the sting with about a two-inch diameter. It itches like crazy. I've been stung by bees about a dozen times or so in my life, and I've never had a reaction like this. Of course, this is my first bee sting since developing POTS. I am wondering if the histamine response is altered in my body, or if my ANS issues are somehow causing this irritation. I hate to always blame POTS, but so many weird things happen to my body only since developing this illness, and I just can't believe that it's coincidence!


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Hi Amy,

If I may suggest....keep a careful eye on it that you don't get cellulitis which can happen with bee stings or spider/insect bites. It will feel hotter than the area around it and the redness will get larger as the day progresses. If you have cellulitis, you may require an anitbiotic. Hope you feel better.

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sorry that the little bugger had to attack & give you something else to deal with & hope it's feeling better soon. this isn't from personal experience as i've been lucky (fingers crossed, prayers said, wood knocked on) to never have been stung, but do know that different types of bees can elicit different types of reactions skin & histamine-wise. just a thought...also, i don't know if you take allergy meds, but if you were on different meds at baseline than you are now that might change things? again, just midnight thoughts that may or may not have any merit....

hope it calms down soon...


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Hi Amy,

I had a sting like that back when i was about 8 years old. It was on my ankle..same way you described. It itched VERY badly. I think it was a hornet or a wasp. I've been stung a few times in my life, but that was the only time i remember that reaction. (I had no POTS symptoms then) I think Melissa might be right when she says it depends on what stings you. It's good to be cautious though. If it gets a lot worse, I'd see a doctor. Otherwise, i think it's just a normal (although annoying!! :) ) reaction.


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