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High dyastolic blood pressure after exercise or sleep


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High dyastolic blood pressure stays after exercice or sleep. Even though I take a beta-blocker. 

I always have high dyastolic blood pressure after exercice or sleep

When I wake up I often have my dyastolic 95. Also after the exercices dyastolic stays 95-101 and doesn't go lower for many hours. But systolic is normal, = 120-125.

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Thank you, but the thing is, that my dyastolic blood pressure is OK during the day, when I am walking, doing domestic chores or sitting, relaxing (near 75). Its only high after the sleep and after the exercices (95-100).So 2 questions here. 

1.Why do you think it's happening guys? 

2. If I drink diltiazem or other medicine it will drop my dyastolic only during and after exercices/sleep or its also drop it when it's normal during the day, because its seems like I need to drop it only when I sleep and exercicing? 


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  • 4 weeks later...

Do you have a cardiologist you can check in with Viktor?

I had times where my diastolic would do that. Thankfully it's now dropped (so dealing with the low diastolic readings) but I do think it's always good to check with your specialist, especially as the diastolic is related to the pressure in the heart specifically.

Good to just make sure everything is structurally sound / no issues with heart valves etc.

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I think I read that it can be from low blood volume which makes sense if you get it in the night. I get it from being upright too long and assume it’s blood pooling in my legs. I asked the cardiologist and they said they weren’t concerned about it.

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