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I conquered the sea!!!!


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With all of the depressing news I want to share a victory story: recently I spent a few days on the ocean. Due to POTS I had to stay inside in the air-condition and could only venture outside in the cooler am or after sunset. On the second day I had to get IV fluids and after that felt much better. So I mentioned to my family that I felt so good that I wished I could go out in the ocean, which was promptly countered by my teenage daughter with " Yeah right - you would never last, you're too frail". Well - wrong thing to say to a stubborn German. I had not even brought a bathing suit so I threw on a pair of shorts and my husbands T-shirt, said : "I'll show you frail" and down the beach I went. No one else was in the water since it was a cooler day and the waves were rough and cold. Down the dunes, over the beach and straight into the sea I went, the cold waves hitting me so hard it took my breath away. But I stayed at least one minute, went in up to my chest and back out. I felt so invigorated and victorious!!! I had expected a big time flare after that but strangely I felt better ever since ( not sure if that is due to the cold water or the " I'll show you" attitude. ) 

I came out so happy and satisfied as if I had just regained my vision.  So, to anyone who thinks we are frail: we are stronger and braver than you ANY day of the week, even if we only last one minute on something you take for granted!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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Guest KiminOrlando

I live in Florida. There is so much truth in this. Every time I get in the ocean, I have good days afterward. I don't know if it is the salt water or how it ionizes in the seabreeze, but it works. I only go after the sun is lower in the sky because I can't take the heat either. I don't go in alone in case something happens, but it is great! I keep saying that I want to try soaking in a bathtub with salt in it and see if I get the same result.  I wonder if a saltwater pool would do the same?

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That's amazing. I'd love to eventually get back to the beach someday. 

I'm a big believer in neuroplasticity and that we have the ability to change our brains to change our bodies. So yeah, I believe the determination helped. That's not to say that we can push through whatever we need to as some people think, but it helps. 

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