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Regarding brochures for members

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We've had several requests from members wanting brochures.

We printed the first batch of brochures to target physicians. I am working to make the brochures available to members as well.

To make brochures available to members we will need two things that I can think of off the top of my head:

1. Funds to print them. If anyone would like to put funds toward this project you can do so by writing it on your check. If paying by credit card, debit card or online check, there is a place on the site (Network for Good) where you can specify how you'd like your funds used. You can donate funds for this project by using the Network-For-Good donate button, available on our How You Can Help page.

To give you an idea of needed funds, it cost us about $700. to print and mail 500 brochures.

Also, if anyone out there has access to wholesale printing and can help with our printing costs in that manner, we would greatly appreciate it. You can also help by sending a book or more of stamps to us at:


PO Box 55

Brooklyn, MI 49230

2. We will need a dedicated volunteer to mail the second batch of brochures to members. If any of you would like to take on this project, please let me know. DINET will, of course, pay for postage.


Michelle Sawicki

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I really want to maintain the quality of the brochure, and therefore would prefer to have it professionally printed. I'm hoping we can get enough donations to make that feasible.


Please do get in touch with me regarding printing. It would be wonderful to have the brochures printed at cost or at a reduced cost. :)


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Hi Michelle..way to go the brochures look terrific! ;)

I would be happy to mail brochures to members...I'm homebound and in bed most of the day..but I'm able to do some things..crochet, read, ect. I think I could handle addressing and stuffing envelopes. Is the task going to be more demanding than that? If you still need a volunteer please shoot me a message with the specifics..then I'll know for sure if I'm up to the task!

Thanks again for all that you do!!! :)


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