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Any Experience with relocating because of POTS?


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Has anyone experienced moving to a new area with less barometric variations? We currently live in North Mississippi. Pressure drops have a significant effect on my wife’s POTS. My daughter with POTS shows some effects. We are considering Miami or Southern California areas. 

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Guest KiminOrlando

I live in Orlando and frequently visit family in Louisville, Philadelphia and Jackson as well as Huntsville,  AL. I honestly can't tell the difference. We get a lot of fronts through here too and they can be very bad, especially in the summer/fall. Hurricanes and Tropical Storms are fairly intense. Also keep in mind the heat and humidity is most of the year down here, so if they faint when they get hot, it will be a constant battle. I know it is hot and humid in Mississippi, but ya'll do get more of a break. I love Florida and I'm glad I live here. I'm just not sure it would solve your problem. Have you spent any time in Miami? Did they feel better?

You might want to try to search this topic. I believe I remember people saying they felt better when they moved to Colorado. I'm not sure why or if it is the same type of situation. I hope some of those people are still active and can speak on this subject.

I think it is great that you are looking out for your family and are willing to move your entire life for them. 

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Miami keeps coming up in my research as well as Honolulu. I’ve reached out to some meteorologists to help me understand weather patterns. One actually suggested Corpus Christie.  Most are recommending tropical climates. My wife’s sister lived in Colorado Springs and then moved to our town. I don’t think noticed a difference. 

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I'm currently going through the process of relocating mostly because I'm trying to get out of an area with snow -- with a wheelchair it just adds extra limits for almost half the year. But the few factors I was trying to think about other than cost were weather patter changes (potential increase my migraines), heat (not sure how 90+ summers would affect my POTS body), and elevation changes which my body really does not like.

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20 hours ago, dj4msu said:

Miami keeps coming up in my research as well as Honolulu.

@statesof and @dj4msu -- I know from my own experience that cooler and coastal climates help my POTS. I would avoid hot and humid states since that can trigger symptoms.  I am not sure why I feel better by the sea - if it is the fact that there is no elevation or the barometric pressure? I live in a mountainous, seasonal area and get severely affected by changes in barometric pressure. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Barometric pressure doesn't affect me at all, BUT high humidity absolutely kills me. Even indoors, high humidity affects me.   I'll actually do worse inside a building where the AC is dying and it's cool/damp than outside in the Florida heat.  Dehumidifiers are my friend.  My body temperature tends to run on the low side and I go into hypothermia very easily, so places with freezing temperatures don't agree with me either. 

I got sent to Alaska for work a few years back during summer and wrapped up right when the termination dust (first snowfall in the mountains) hit.  It was unbelievable!  I had tons of energy.  Dizziness as minimal and I didn't even pass out the whole time.  Even by midnight, I was still full of energy.  I was outdoors and active every moment I could, which is completely uncharacteristic of me.  I even was hiking up the side of mountains, which is *definitely not* me.   I felt alive like I never have before.   Unfortunately, it's Alaska, so it gets beyond cold, otherwise I would have moved in a heartbeat.  

My fiancé gets headaches from changes in barometric pressure, and she definitely gets plenty of headaches here in Florida due to it.   

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I live in Southern California but have also traveled a fair bit. I have found that the Dry weather helps but the Heat can make symptoms worse. For me I am better off in a colder dry atmosphere than in a Moist Cold Climate or Hot either way. Once the temp hits 80 my hr stays elevated above 100 sitting or standing. I was in South Texas and it was cold and humid and I couldn’t warm up for the life of me. Then I found battery heated clothing and was able to help keep my body regulated better. I still haven’t found a cool clothing that helps, ice packs can have to much of an impact. Personally I am looking to relocate to the North West where it is cooler and “Dry”. Even in Southern California the Barometer effects my headaches, and that can be just a front moving over Colorado to do that.


i hope that helps

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