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This forum has saved my sanity !


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Hi everyone 

I have wanted to make this post for a long time but I didn't want to sound cheesy or that I was seeking sympathy   !  Recent posts about relationships have given me the courage to share. 

I won't bore you with all the details but after taking in my elderly mother even though I was ill and no one else wanted to have any thing to do with her it ended up with my husband and myself accused of fraud stealing etc by my closest relatives. During this period we were bambarded with violent  threats, nasty e mails full of lies and of course my alopecia used to lower my self esteem and pots used as accusation of me always seeking attention and sympathy, sigh a story all too familiar to us all  .A suberb solicitor not only proved our  innocence   but saved us from substantial financial losses, this legal battle went on for 2 years and I almost fell apart.

I felt so ashamed of what I was being accused of and the actions of my so called family, I  never reached out in this wonderful community with the facts, what I did do was post the symptons this stress was causing. Your kindness and replies brought me great comfort emotionally more than I can describe. It has made me very aware that there may be others here who may be dealing with difficult situations that are exesperating symptons .

I am happy to share that whilst this has been the worst experience of my 54 old life it also has changed my perspective of how I wish to move forwards. I have forgiven myself for enabling their abuse , I have learnt I am stronger than I believe and that I am not responsible for other people's bad behaviour even if I did bring one of them up! Therapy has helped me understand a lot about myself and others around me . I have made many changes to my life .

My life is now peaceful, no more dramas, (well for now!)  My husband,  youngest son and true friends  who stood by me are the ones worth my energy and time. Time is precious so I have to make the best of every day.

So a big thank you to all those involved in this forum and those who give their time to help others .


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Wow I cannot imagine the difficulty and pain you have gone through.  It's sounds extremely stressful.  So glad there was positive resolution legally at least.  Resolution with family members may be difficult.  Thank you for sharing.  It is true that we rarely know anyone's full story and all the stresses and difficulties they face.

I am glad you found support here when you needed it, for your symptoms/medical challenges.

Sending a virtual hug!

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Dear @dancer65 - I am so sorry to hear what you have went through! And I am glad that the legal struggles/ Threats are over. It is so very hard to deal with the helplessness that dysautonomia makes us face - I cannot even think how I could make it through a struggle as yours - but what matters is that YOU DID IT! Be thankful, be proud and be generous to those around you.  I m glad you shared, I am thankful this forum has given you comfort and courage and I am so happy that you are in better place now. Best wishes - be well!

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This disease is so cruel in and of itself that I cannot imagine that amount of stress added on.  You have made it through what is undoubtedly one of the most difficult, if not the most difficult, time in your life and that takes guts, courage and patience.  Be proud of yourself as we are of you.

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You have been a real encouragement to me over these past several years that I have been on here!  I am so glad you made it through this and that you had someone to stand up for you and your husband while you were trying to do something helpful.  How things backfire!  My mom and dad had a similar, albeit not quite as severe, issue with caring for an elderly family member and then after the death it just escalated.  It's horrible!  But you made it!!  You GO GIRL!!!

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Thank you so much for all your kind words you have all being supportive to me over the years I have been here.I send I virtual hug back to each of you strong ladies ☺

Dizzy girls I am so sorry it back fired on your parents too, it certainly leaves you in shock . 

Love to all xx


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