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online counseling


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Rhada, I think your best bet is to go through the american psychological association's website for a referral. Also, you're probably more likely to get counselling via phone than via email. Just my 2? for what it's worth.


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I'm afraid I haven't the slightest idea who the reputable online counselling serrvices are -- Nina's suggestion sounds good to me! :) -- but I did want to let you know that I'm thinking of you. I'm so sorry that you're having such a hard struggle, but I'm so proud of you for looking for professional help in dealing with it. Feel free to PM me anytime you need to talk!


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Just wanted to chime in and say counseling can be a big help. I started last week and I can tell you that already it feels like a ton of bricks have been lifted from my shoulders. I think it's not unusual for therapists to do appointments over the phone. I have a friend who moved to Japan but she still uses a therapist in NY by phone.

My own therapist started asking me some strange questions about my health, but then she told me that she has another patient with low blood pressure and lots of other crazy problems who has been undiagnosed for a few years. So she asked for my doctors' names and it might actually help her other patient. So you never know, the therapist may be able to connect you with other medical doctors in your area who can help.

I think Steph has some good advice too.


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thanks to all of you for caring so much, i'm really touched by your concern, and an extra thanks to steph for all your suggestions, yes actually i do exercise and stretch, but cant stand at all, but do move alot in bed, but cant put legs down at all, coz they get purple fast, and that makes my head much worse, and yes i do eat some fat and tried different foods, and even alittle amount makes me worse, and yes i do take migraine meds when i absolutely have to, the usual, imitrex, maxalt, relpax, have codeine, ultram, dont take this stuff daily, only when its absolutely unbearable, since they already dont work that much, the carbs, and sugar and chocolate definately make me even worse, its not always fast heart rate, but the beating is harder and that hurts, like the blood is working so hard to just flow, and now i cant get anyone to try me on the procrit again, i do want to try it again, but no one will try it long term, and i salt everything and drink alot, but thanks again for your ideas, and to all of you i wish you a peaceful night,


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others have already offered a lot of sage advice but i just wanted to send an extra-big (((((HUG))))) your way. i also wanted to affirm your thoughts about pursuing some type of counseling, if only for a few times. i have seen someone this past year on and off if for nothing else but to "vent" about all that's been going on with my increased health problems this year in a way that i don't always want or feel able to with family & friends. once i did do a phone session with him too when i couldn't get to his office. i've had phone sessions with a former therapist out-of-state too, but will warn you that often insurance is not an option for phone sessions, even if the provider would normally be covered.

good luck finding someone to connect with...it takes some patience but can be worth it.

keep on keepin on & hangin in there,


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no its not a money issue, my parents are great, they will spend any amount of money to help me, its getting a doc to agree to try it long term since they think its only for anemia, and when i tried it the first time a nurse came once a week to give it to me, but now no one will try it again and not for long term, so dont know what to do about that, but i thank you so so much for taking the time to think of me, and to all of you for caring, my mom is great, always there to listen, but i hate how sad it makes her when she hears me go on and on about all my suffering, she doesnt say anything, but i can tell it affects her, how could it not?


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I answered you in another post but I wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and that I do think that you need a doctor to help you. Do you think you (or your parents) can find you a doctor who wants to come visit you? (mine does but I'm afraid it's too far for him to go see you). I was also thinking of a psychologist coming to see you at home to help you deal with chronic illness, like someone else here suggested.

Wishing you the best and hope that you'll get some help real soon!


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yes steph, please get me a copy of that medical paper if you can, it couldnt hurt, and my parents and I have tried hard to find someone caring and interested but no one close to me and willing to come to my home, and when they hear about my complicated case they dont want to take me on as their patient, so stuck!! and i still havent found a counselor online, so if any of you come across anyone who does it thru email, please let me know, i cant tell you how much i appreciate all your help and concern,


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Rahda, I did a little looking around on the internet. The only thing I could find is that there are home health companies that can provide counselling as part of their services. These are typically the same companies that provide skilled nursing care, home health aides, etc.

If you have health insurance, it's something to investigate.


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thanks so much steph for taking the time to do the search, but they are so expensive!! i will look at them, and thanks again for all your concern, and let me know when you get that paper on procrit and i will give you my address, thanks so much,


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