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What Do Your EP's Say About Ectopics?


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I was wondering if any of you have gotten input from your EP/Cardiologists about atrial ectopics? I have had two Holters now that both show some short episodes of SVT, Bursts of Atrial Tachycardia, but mostly just the Sinus Tachycardia alternating with Sinus Bradycardia and 10-15% Premature Atrial Complexes. I have anywhere from 350-850 of them an hour.  I know from my training and also from my research that PAC's are considered 'harmless'  but I have so many of them and when I get them when my rate is super fast or slow, I get quite dizzy and gross feeling. My EP really did not seem to care about it. I know it will not kill me but it really stinks for quality of life.  Any of you have similar experiences? Anyone actually had any luck with treating them, either with lifestyle or other methods?

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Dear @MeganMN - yes, I too had PAC's, PVC's, bradycardia, ST and SVT as well as atrial flutter on my monitors over the years. Once I had an implanted Loop recorder for 3 years. When I first got sick in 2009 the ectopics were unbearable to me and I too had symptoms from them. My cardiologists never were too concerned about them. I tried many BB's and they helped with various results but since I take Carvelidol they are mostly gone ( except for the occ Aflutter or tachycardia ). My autonomic specialist told me once that ectopics are a sign of an irritated ANS and I should take an increase in them as a warning sign. Over the years I do notice that they return in a flare when my symptoms get worse. From your previous posts it sounds like you are going through a rough patch right now - what did you cardiologist recommend to control your arrhythmias and ectopics? As far as I know PAC's and PVC's are considered harmless but if they are causing symptoms I would hope that the doctors would take them serious - they did in my case. 

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5 hours ago, RecipeForDisaster said:

I was having bigeminy and multifocal PVCs and neither cardiologist was very interested, nor did they want to treat the PVCs. They bother me but it's just something else I have to live with. I do think they are not as bad when I am doing better.

What do pvc feel like?  Do they cause a wierd crawling flip flop sensation in the chest?  I was getting a wierd sensation coming from my chest some days and it would drive me nuts, 

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Thanks everyone! It helps to hear from others. I know they will not kill me, but it feels gross. I was most concerned because there are many times when I get them every other beat with a heart rate of 60 and I felt like I might actually pass out. EP thinks the Florinef will help with blood flow to the brain.  He said that even though the ectopic do not get as much blood out with each beat, it is still okay. I know that, but......It still feels super crummy and hard to work through, makes me more anxious, which makes it worse! Thank you so much for the replies! 

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If I take too much beta blocker, I will get beats at 50bpm interspersed with beats at 100bpm which is really disconcerting. I have passed out during this, but at the time I was passing out so often, who knows if the PVCs were even part of it. In my case, I think the ventricular beats were not actually premature but my body trying to force my rate up - more like an escape beat.


I keep wishing that we could "try" our symptoms out on our doctors, families, friends... I'm certain that some of these events would suddenly be a bigger deal, if they felt how bad we felt!


i hope you get good results with Florinef!

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4 hours ago, RecipeForDisaster said:

I keep wishing that we could "try" our symptoms out on our doctors, families, friends... I'm certain that some of these events would suddenly be a bigger deal, if they felt how bad we felt!

I wish the same thing. So many times I get the look like I am exaggerating. And it can be frustrating and lonely. 

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