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Florinef Dosing Experiences?


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So the EP today has not yet reviewed my Holter results, but based on my continued dizziness with Propranolol, wants me to start Florinef. He prescribed 0.4mg a day as a STARTING dose. This seems way to high for someone already super sensitive to meds. What are your experiences? I am planning to wait a day or two to do anything different until I hear about the Holter report, and then I may try to schedule with a different Cardiologist to get a second opinion..

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We can't give medical advice, but I can tell you that's 4x what I started on :) I then went down to half of that due to swelling... and have tapered down to half of THAT. I had trouble with impressive edema, headaches, and not a lot of positive benefit. Many swear by it, so I hope that you have great results! You do have to push fluids and salt to make the drug effective. For me, it seemed that all of the fluid retention it gave me was outside my vasculature.

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I was prescribed 0.1 mg per day.  I would double-check if I were you.  Also, I started with 0.05 mg per day for a week and increased by 1/4 of a tablet each week until I got to the full dose.  I did this on my own recommendation after reading many anecdotes on the internet.  Other people claimed that ramping up slowly prevented them from getting side effects like swelling or weight gain.  I am not a doctor, I can't give medical advice, all the usual warnings, etc.

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I started on .1 for a month.   Went to .2  for a month.  Then went to .3 where I felt crummy so went back down to .2 and have been on that for over 10 years.

I have to take the med with food or milk or I get stomach pain.  I switched to taking the full .2 ONCE a day rather than twice and didn't notice a difference.  I take them a few hours before I get out of bed so it is working when I get up.  The med can cause sleep difficulty in some people, so it was recommended to me to avoid taking it close to bedtime. 

It seemed like it took a long time for it to really help, like months and months.   I am not sure if that is typical, but if it is, I wouldn't give up too soon. 

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