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Migraine prevention medication


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Does anyone take medication to help prevent migraines?

I had appointment with nurologist on Monday with the hope we could find a painkiller that really worked as I don't seem to respond to a number of  migraine meds I have tried . He suggested a preventive med and would be getting in touch with my GP . I have done some reading and I think I may be contraindicated to a number of them due to low BP .Also a bit concerned as some seem to be addictive and weight gain seems to be a problem , so I want to be well informed before GP visit. 

Your experiences would be greatly appreciated 

Thanks for reading hope everyone is doing ok x

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Before dysautonomia I took topomax which caused weight loss, not extreme just a bit.  It worked fairly well then. I tried it again post dys and it gave me headaches so I stopped.  I also tried Botox injections which didn’t help.  I have increased my beta blocker, Bystolic, which helps a bit and doesn’t lower my BP much.

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I take amitriptyline as a migraine preventative on a low dose, because higher doses make orthostatic hypotension worse. I'm also on verapamil which is a migraine preventative but I take it for chest pain. For me the amitriptyline is the one medication that has worked with no side effects, though with some people it tends to cause some.

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Hi everyone 

Thanks so much for your imput really helpful to hear of your experiences .

States of amitriptyline was mentioned at the appointment nice to know it doesn't cause you any side effects.

Dizzy girls I have never heard of the injection will be looking that up . Hope things are settling for your girls. Has the injection helped or is it too early to tell ?

P8d we seem to have very similar symptons I have noticed ! I will look in to topomax, my BP can still run low even om midodrine so I don't think they would give me BB , we never seem to be easy to treat ! 

Thanks again everyone 


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@dancer65 My family doctor gave me some samples called Cambia (comes in a powder) and Relpax (tablet form). They aren’t used to prevent migraines but they’re supposed to stop a migraine that has just begun or is already in progress. 

Unfortunately, they didn’t work for me, but we all react differently to medication so I thought I’d just throw those out there for ya!

Good luck and best wishes. 

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Hi dancer!  I think it's too early to tell on the Aimovig, but we just received her second injection the other day, so we'll see.  I think they said that you might be able to see a difference after about 2-3 months.  Some people, after 1 month.  I know right now my daughter is dealing with a boatload of vertigo.  We just can't seem to get it settled down.  Finally have her beta blocker figured out, so that's good.  She was put on the short acting metoprolol and it seems to be working well.  Still working on the timing of her evening dose, though.  Sometimes her vertigo seems to correlate with her heart rate, so I bought her a Fitbit so that we can track it 24 hours a day and see if there is any correlation.

I hope you find something to help your migraines!  They can be so debilitating. 

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Thanks for the info. Four years ago I felt so overwhelmed with it all I decided to tackle one sympton at a time, migraine is my most bothersome at the moment . This approach has helped me because as I concentrate on one thing I realise another not so bothersome sympton has improved.

Just feel lucky I am slowly getting my life back, mind you its hard work looking after yourself ! 

I find my fitbit really helpful as often  don't feel my high heart rates even when I'm in cardio mode! It has really helped me control the fatigue by watching how my body is reacting to different tasks , which as we know changes daily.  I have noticed  though if you have a quick spike in hr fit bit doesn't always show it but it is a good general guide to what's going on .I hope it helps you figure out her vertigo.

I find all the other info on it helps too especially the sleep and fitness logs 

As always wishing you all the best x




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Have you perhaps tried any of the vitamin supplements that are used as preventatives? I've had good luck with riboflavin (vitamin B2; 400 mg daily) and magnesium (I take magnesium malate, as it's easier on the stomach, also 400mg daily). Others use coQ10 for the same purpose. There's some research supporting all of them, though it's not perfect and they are not perfectly effective--for me, they keep me down to one or two migraines a month, along with my abortives used to interrupt migraines when they come (I take Migranal). The plus is that the B2 and magnesium haven't given me any unpleasant side effects--I never wanted to do Topomax for that reason, and my body responds very poorly to SSRIs and SNRIs, so those are out. My diagnoses are hyperPOTS, endometriosis (severe), and migraines that have at least some relation to estrogen and other hormones; I developed status migrainosis after receiving a nexplanon (progestin) insert, for instance. 

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Yes I take magnesium and coQ10 but B 12 . I had hysterectomy 6 years ago due to andemiosis cysts and fibroids, migraines are more frequent than before. Spent Friday and Saturday lying down again , just frustrating that I can't find something to control the pain.

I will have a try with the riboflavin anything is worth a go !

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Hey. Yes, on preventative for migraines. Tried and failed Topamax, nortriptyline, Maxalt and several others before trying Gabapentin. I fluctuate between 300-600 mg, but it works most of the time. I still have breakthrough headaches but those are manageable with rescue medication.  No real side effects with the Gabapentin for me. 

Good luck!

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