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rotation and spasms in hands and feet


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Hi - I am not sure if this is from POTS but I would like to know if anyone can shed a light on this: whenever I wake up at night or sit relaxed during the day my hands rotate inward and the index finger and thumb press against each other. At the same time my right foot rotates inwards with the outer ankle pushing out and the big toes pointing inward. I am not aware of this even happening and it does not hurt. Also often I wake up with my hands clenched tight together and I also clench my jaw very badly. I take Flexeril at times for the clenching and am considering switching to baclofen. But I am just curious what causes this. Any ideas?

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Perhaps call your neurologist, describe the symptoms, and see if they want you to come in for a visit. Your arms turning and hands clenching is an unusual symptom. I used to wake up with my fingers overlapping like a compressed spiral staircase. I have bilateral carpal tunnel and it can cause my hands to curl inward while I am sleeping. 


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Have you ever asked a neurologist about dystonia?  Foot rotating inward can be a sign.  My daughter has dopa responsive dystonia.  There are many different kinds.  But DRD goes along with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which my daughter has.  Not saying it's dystonia, but might be worth a question to the neuro.

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