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Tonight my symptoms are terrible. I’m currently laying in bed with extreme dry mouth and that overall sense of impending doom that I’m sure you all know so well. My heart rate has been all over the place from the 50’s and up. Anyone have tips to just stay centered when they feel at their worst any tricks to keep your mind strong so you don’t freak out? I’m battling tonight and I absolutely HATE this feeling. 


I'm feeling awful due to the heat as well, been having lots of palpitations today. A fan and the AC is a good start. Cool cloths on your head and chest may help as well. Keep hydrated and keep moving around to a minimal if you can. Put on some music or maybe a show to help distract you... 

If anyone else has helpful tips I'd love to hear them too, but that's pretty much what I've been doing!

9 minutes ago, jklass44 said:

I'm feeling awful due to the heat as well, been having lots of palpitations today. A fan and the AC is a good start. Cool cloths on your head and chest may help as well. Keep hydrated and keep moving around to a minimal if you can. Put on some music or maybe a show to help distract you... 

If anyone else has helpful tips I'd love to hear them too, but that's pretty much what I've been doing!

Im sorry your not doing well tonight! It’s like you think you’re doing okay and then BAM!!!! I drink at least four 33 oz bottles of water daily I’m not sure if that is enough? And I also add a can of V8 and I salt my meals. The dry mouth and “off” feeling tonight is almost unbearable. I know the doctors say this isn’t dangerous but it FEELS like it when you’re experiencing the symptoms. 


I sympathize, I am heat sensitive. Take a damp wet washcloth and rub your skin up and down on your legs, arms, neck, face and your scalp too. Then get under a fan. The cooling effect feels great. You can also wet and wring a top sheet and get nekkid underneath it with a fan blasting the sheet; that is an old-time fever buster. Cold milk (cow or soy) are both loaded with electrolytes. Sometimes you can lose your appetite and with it your thirst; being depleted on both calories and fluids can exponentially increase your symptoms. Milk is my go to for replenishment and hydration. Be cool! 



Hi there! Sorry you are feeling so terrible. I was in the same position the other night when I reacted badly to some meds I used to tolerate so well. Ugh

i keep peppermint oil on hand. If your skin isn’t super sensitive, try one drop mixed with some lotion or oil and rub it on your arms, leg, and chest. It will give you a soothing cooling sensation and if you combine that with a wet cloth on your forehead it will help.

another technique that I borrowed from anxiety treatments is grounding. For me, if I smell something strong, it helps me focus on that. It can be anything from perfumes lotion, hand sanitizer, essential oils, etc. I rub it in my hand and cup my mouth and nose and breathe in slowly and deeply. If it’s a smell I recognize and love it helps give comforting feeling when your body and mind are panicking. Obviously it’s not true anxiety but it works the same. 


Try wetting some socks and wring the water out and put them on. Cooling your feet can help cool the rest of your body. 

I keep a Rosewater spray next to my bed and I spritz away. Lol I spray it on my chest, arms, face. 

Try a breathing technique and to get your mind past an pots episode play something on Netflix or whatever that is very comforting and you know very well, like your favorite show. Just let it play in the background and listen to it. Or your favorite music. I throw on some classical piano or Frasier and I try and ride it out that way. 

I mean, we can’t really control our bodies but one thing we can control is our mind. It’s very very very tough and exhausting but you have to position yourself to face it head on. It’s scary since there’s always something new and strange that’s never happened before but if you can relax your mind and tell yourself you will fight it, you will win. 


Much love and once this is over rest up well so you can let your body recover. 


Let us know how you feel later! 





I'm sorry your suffering so badly 😢 I use the free app insight timer. It has lots of free breathing tools,anxiety,help with sleeping,pain etc... it helps my mind focus on what they're saying.


Two days in a row that I’ve just felt off it’s the oddest feeling and I do not like it. Thank you everyone for replying I’ll try a few and I’ll report back and see if any help. 


I would second the grounding techniques.  I have both POTS and Panic disorder and it helps with both!  The 54321 grounding technique helps me the both, but there are many types out here.  Google it and you'll find a number of ways to ground.   Also, try mediating.  I use an app called Headspace to help me meditate.

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