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Chicken or egg question.

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Will try to keep this question brief and hopefully coherent.  At the beginning of my journey with dysautonomia  I had plenty of anxiety. ( Diarrhea every morning TMI ), heart racing .dry mouth, and so on. I was reved up all the time and couldn't even sleep. I was hypovolemic ,low potassium, with other autonomic problems. which I thought was strange as I would think low blood volume would make you tired.  In any case the constant hyper feeling gradually calmed down throughout the past several years. only flaring for a day here and there. Lately, I have had some other health problems and a bit more stress. Now I am back with full blown anxiety and all that comes with it. I don't know if I am having an autonomic flare causing increased anxiety, or if increased anxiety is causing the autonomic flare. I hope it is the latter and I am not back to where I was before, that was awful. My days are a struggle but was feeling a bit better than at the beginning. I was off most medications and mostly just hydrate constantly. Has anyone else out there had anxiety and stress cause a flare up? Any tips?

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I am in the same boat right now.  Was doing pretty well until March when I started having occasional anxiety-like symptoms.  At that point I assumed it was anxiety.  (My husband committed suicide in Oct 2015)  Now this week I have been nauseous, headachy and very fatigued.  And I don't know if it is anxiety or a dysautonomia flare, because I don't really feel anxious about anything in particular, but when I feel physically sick I do tend to get anxious.  I live alone and have a house & pets to take care of.  Usually when this happens it only lasts a day, maybe two.  But four days in a row is beginning to worry me.  I do have a history of anxiety but have never been on meds for that.   So I understand what you are going through.  I think stress can be a contributor, but I don't think it is the only one.  Those of us with dysautonomia have such delicate systems that it seems like it doesn't take much to tip the balance and cause symptoms.  Hope this makes some sense lol.


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I'd Get in the tub and soak with some epsom salts, whatever temp you prefer. I always find this helps  me relax. Also, I've been making instant broth in the microwave and diluting it to half-strength with cold water. I get a warm, hydrating salt shot that tastes like soup but doesn't gross me out with being too salty. Eat white carbs for a while, they're easy to digest and are also comfort foods. Give yourself a break and the stress can taper off. I hope you feel better soon.


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I used to have that chicken/egg situation, before I was aware of POTS.  I had cognitive behavioral therapy, and use those skills when I don't feel right.  This way I don't have anxiety-provoking thought processes making things worse.  If I'm not having the cognitive part of anxiety, and the relaxation isn't working, then I know that I'm experiencing dysautonomia symptoms.  I have symptoms flare from stress.

I agree with WinterSown about a bath with Epsom salts.  It's a boost of magnesium and the warm or cool water is like a reset button for vasoconstriction or vasodilation, respectively.  Also agree with salt and fluids and a simple carb.  I also benefit from laying in a dark room.  If I'm very irritable, then I take Benadryl too.

I usually do salt/fluid/protein, then hot bath, then lay in dark room for 1 - 2 hours (or cool pool and lay in sun for 10 - 30 minutes), then carby snack.  If I'm not sleepy I zone out with an electronic game.

After my body regulates itself, I find myself fairly delicate and likely to relapse after small stressors or activity.  I need to do something sitting and quiet for a couple hours to fully recover.  I tend to choose playing musical instrument (sitting), drawing or painting (sitting), or when I'm having lots of brain fog or needing to entertain my children at the same time then watching a movie.

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Great ideas!! Thanks to all.  Songcanary, I hope you are feeling better soon. It is such an uncomfortable feeling.  I can't do baths due to UTI but will try the magnesium in a foot soak!!!



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I have never been one for vitamin supplements other than a one a day, but this week I bought a bottle of Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc, plus (in very small letters) Vitamin D3. Is it going to really help beyond being an emotional placebo I don't know yet but I'll try taking them for a week or so then decide.

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