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Michigan Jan


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Hi Jan,

I am constantly thinking of you and your husband, and my heart goes out to the both of you. I am wondering if you are going to the Karmonos Cancer center in Detroit??? If you are please let me know I would come and sit with you if you'd like some company?????

Lots of prayers,


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Jan, please don't feel pressure to respond. Only write when you're ready and able (and rested).

I just wanted you to know that Teri and I are thinking of you and Jeff every day. We're sending thoughts your way that you're able to get enough rest, and are feeling as well as you can possible be.

How is your body holding up under all this stress? I know you said that Jeff was starting to be more comfortable and be able to eat--and you??

Sending healing thoughts your way.... with many hugs, Nina (Teri too).

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Thanks Sue and Nina for your caring messages.


Yes, we are going to Karmanos. Are you near there? I thought for some reason that you are out west! Now where did I get that idea? If I have your email, I can email you to tell you when we will be there.

Jeff has completed his first round of chemo. It was rough. Overnight in the hospital at Karmanos for 2 kinds of chemo, then sent home with a pump attached for 5 days of a third kind. The last 5 days were pretty bad but they could have been worse. Yesterday our daughter went with him back to Karmanos and he got the pump off and the picc line pulled out and had a minor surgical procedure to implant a medi-port in his chest for future chemo treatments. At Karmanos everyone is super to deal with but things take a long, long time, so an offer of a visit during one of those long, long times is lovely!

So now there is not much to do until his next doctor appointment in a few days. I hope we don't need to run him in due to problems before then. He did cut the grass today on the riding mower. Our son-in-law sat outside on the tailgate of his and Rachel's pick-up truck and waited unitl each time he heard the mower stop, then went down to the curb where the mulch cans were to meet Jeff and the mower and empty the big grass bags on the mower into the cans. Our son-in-law is blind but he got the routine down real fast. Jeff was told not to lift until at least 2 days after the port is in.

Today Jeff got up and ate two pieces of toast with butter and peanut butter. That seemed like a miracle to me. First solid food in days. He is doing better drinking fluids, too. Now he is wiped out. I hope we have a peaceful time now until chemo round 2.

Michigan Jan

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thanks for the update! :(

I'm glad to hear that Jeff tolerated some solid food...that's a major big deal :D good for him!

Here's to an uneventful few days to allow you both to catch your breath.


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Guest Julia59


Just sending well wishes to both you and Jeff. Keep hanging in there and take the best possible care of your health that you can.

My husband and I would also like to come to keep you company , as we are not far from there.


Julie :0)

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