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Anyone else share these symptoms?


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Hi everyone! 

I had the weirdest set of symptoms happen the other day that landed me in the ER again!! I was sitting with feet elevated completely relaxed then my left arm had pain and pins and needles so I got a little concerned I then lay down fully to try and recover, then bad chest pain and pins and needles in both hands and feet and my feet were ice cold! My partner rushed me to emergency which on the way I thought I may pass out but didn't luckily by the time I got there my whole body was shaking so badly I didn't know what was happening! First doc said anxiety which I have never had I pushed the point and he sent me through to get looked at and the next said perhaps an adrenaline surge? Anyone else experienced these sorts of symptoms? It gives me some comfort to know that I'm not alone and these symptoms can be normal for POTS

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Yeah they did full blood work and checked electrolytes too! As usual everything normal, no hyperventilating they checked my oxygen and it was at 98 I was breathing slowly and deeply maybe that's just the way my body responds to adrenaline I don't know. I love feedback on others experiences because I can feel somewhat normal and that it is just POTS related. The last thing I want is to start having health anxiety on top of everything else at the moment. I was on a birth control pill that might have caused this from what I have read about it I am now off that and on a safer one so here's hoping ? 

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yes I get pins and needles and my hands and feet go red along with a itching burning sensation. My attacks usually start with feeling hot sweaty chest pain difficulty breathing and tremors . These symptons can still continue whilst I am laying down and my BP and HR is all over the place . I have found drinking two large glasses of cold water as soon as the symptons start to have helped me the most, also deep breathing and relaxation recommended by Katy ( my husband helps me with instruction as the brain function can be lacking at these times) whilst it hasn't always stopped the attack completely it seems to make it milder and shorter. 

It use to be frightening when these first started but now I'm use to them I feel more in control and I think that helps. 

Hang in there x

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I'm quite new to this too! Thank you to everyone that replied. It helps me to feel normal knowing that other people have these symptoms and I can deal with them mentally better having support. I really worry about getting health anxiety because every little thing health wise is under a microscope and everything feels so much worst! 

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I've experienced the same symptoms and have rushed to the ER as well only to be told it was panic or anxiety. I've since learned after finding a wonderful doc that my brain stem is overriding my upper brain allowing the sympathetic nervous system to take over. What I've always thought was heart issues is really my brain sending the wrong signals. The things that have worked for me are altering my diet (gluten/dairy/nut free) ensuring I have protein at every meal and eating every 3 hours no matter what; drinking plenty of water (at least half my weight in ounces); and I've started a brain based therapy with a functional neurologist which include exercises and supplements to support oxygenation of my brain and reduction of inflammation. Another just extra thing I do is EFT tapping which seems to work if I start it symptoms begin. The tapping seems to interrupt my body's reaction. Google EFT tapping and you'll find it for everything from weight issues to brain injuries. It's something you can do anywhere too!

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Hi, Blackdiamond -  If you go to the main dysautonomia discussion page, where you can see all the post listings, and click in the top corner "create new topic" that should start a new post for you. Please feel free to send me a PM (in the very top corner with an envelope) if you have any questions. Sarah

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