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Tooth extraction! So scared!


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Hi everyone! One of my teeth has cracked in half I need to get it extracted and I am freaking out! I don't know what I should do as I've read that people have had bad experiences and flare ups so I need so good advice I can take to my dentist so both he and myself are informed! Being so close to Christmas I don't want to have a flare up and end up in hospital just before or during Christmas! Please help! It is one of my front teeth and looks horrible it would just be better out as my teeth are so brittle and break all the time 

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You might not have a flare.  Focus on that.  I have never had symptoms flare up in response to dental treatment, and I don't do anything special.  If your dentist does not know about POTS, you could perhaps take to his office ahead of time one of the review papers or pamphlets that describes it.  

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I had an extraction and just went with numbing shots without epinephrine. That night I had a bad BP drop when I got up to use the restroom but now am thinking it might have been a mast cell reaction. I have been diagnosed with MCAS. Overall it went pretty well. Let your oral surgeon know your concerns.

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Guest KiminOrlando

Hi Katcanny,

I would be mindful of what could happen and warn your dentist that your BP could bottom out, but not worry about it too much unless you have something more than POTS. I have PAF, which includes POTS, and have not had any problems-yet. Hopefully, I never will. My dentist is very familiar with my medical issues and I remind her staff every time I see them so they can be prepared. I only get the numbing shot if I need work done. I haven't even had one hint of trouble, knock on wood. Maybe you will have the same experience. 

Best of luck. Hope this turns out to be no big deal for you.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you for the advice, at the moment that is on the back burner as I have come down with tonsillitis it is the first time I have been sick with a virus since I was diagnosed and I'm not doing too well. But on antibiotics now so I'm hoping by the repeat I'll be back to my somewhat not normal but normal health! It's not a great way to start the year at all and I haven't had tonsillitis since I was a child so no idea where or why I ended up with it but at least I didn't end up in hospital!!!! Yay for me 

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well, that sucks, gosh! hope you feel better soon

i cannot tolerate many antibiotics. for some reason they make my brain turn to "mush." i feel incredibly disoriented and dizzy. it scares me the thought of taking any at all. i'm glad u can tolerate them.

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Riding an excise bike or drinking alcohol has put me in bed for days when my POTS was at its worst.  But I didn't have any problem (beyond the pain a normal person would have) with 2 tooth extractions. I had local anesthesia without epinephrine, and that was the key to an easy recovery for me.   

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