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pregnant and scared


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hi i am 5 weeks pregnant and take procrit to help with the pots. It was the last medication on the list that we tried and it actually helps aloy. I have 2 other children but this is the first pregnancy since being diagnosed. my ob wants me to see a high risk ob which has made me scared. i am worried if i will be able to carry to term or at all.

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Hi! Congratulations on your pregnancy!!

I can imagine that it is scary that your OBGYN wants to send you to a "high risk" Dr. but try not to let it worry you.

Research shows that MOST patients with POTS and NCS actually feel better (in terms of their POTS/NCS symptoms) during pregnancy. Since blood pressure and heart rate can be so sporadic in people like us it is a good idea to have a more specialized Dr. Plus, remember, in today's times any condition you have that a "typical" OBGYN may not understand will make them want to refer you out for THEIR liability purposes.

I wish you the best and keep us posted. We are here to support each other and there are several Mom's on this site with young children that I'm sure will be an invaluable support to you!!

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Welcome, I am glad you found us, although sorry you have this condition.

There is not any documented connection between preterm delivery and POTS. I hope it will somewhat allay your fears, at least, to know that there are many women on this forum who have been pregnant with POTS and have carried to term.

I did not see a high risk ob b.c although I had POTS I wasn't diagnosed, even though I had the symptoms. I think it is generally recommended that you be followed by a high risk ob with POTS b/c of the medication you may be on or may need to be on. Also, if issues come up with your health during the pregnancy b/c of POTS, like "poohbear" stated, the typical ob/gyn knows nothing about POTS. But, most women with POTS seem to feel better during pregnancy, as also stated.

Here are some links to previous discussions on POTS and pregnacy on this forum that you may find helpful:





Let us know how you are doing and if you have more questions as your pregnancy progresses.


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I just wanted to say Hello! and Congratulations!!!

Lisa :(

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Hello and congratulations on your pregnancy! I know how scary it can be to face a pregnancy after being diagnosed with POTS- I am currently on my second pregnancy since I got sick. The first time I was terrified, but I was one of the lucky ones that actually felt much better during the pregnancy. Everything went really well and I had a smooth delivery and even a few symptom free months after my son was born. This pregnancy has also been going smoothly in terms of POTS- I am much more exhausted but things are healthy where the pregnancy itself and the baby are concerned.

I personally did not have good luck with OB's or high risk doctors (mainly being clueless about POTS and wanting to put me on meds that I knew were not a good idea), and have ended up with a midwife with both pregnancies. I would only recommend this of course if you are feeling healthy and things are going well. I personally felt more comfortable with midwives- they were very non-invasive in terms of medications, and have taken the time to research and learn about my condition, working in conjunction with my cardiologist to ensure that everything runs smoothly. I am planning on an out-of-hospital birth with this baby and hoping it will go as planned :( BUT I think high risk docs are there for people who do have problems during pregnancy and would highly recommend that route until you see how you do. It's a very personal choice anyway :(

I hope that we can be here to support you through your pregnancy, and I wish you the best of luck! How exciting!!

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JESS???? Still no baby huh????? oh my, you must be going nuts! :( I saw your name pop up and had to say hi...I was just thinking today, I wonder if Jess had her baby yet?!

SABRINA...welcome...katherine posted a bunch of very useful links full of good mommy tips...katherine, jess/ethansmom, and calypso/amy as well as merrill have posted a wealth of information recently about pregnancy for other POTS folks on the board. they are wonderful guides and i think you will find comfort in their stories.

I, on the other hand, have no mommy tips! I just wanted to welcome you here.


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Congradulations on your pregnancy. Like everyone said the high risk is just for precautions. I have 3 small kids but was dx when my last child was almost 1. So as far as the pregnancy I'm not sure how that is. I started having symptoms overnight. How old are you kids? Well my only advise is try to relax and not worry to much. Stay hydrated.

Good Luck


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Hi Sabrina I'm new but went through two pregnancies with POTS, and was refererred to a neonatologist both times because of complications with my first pregnancy. Don't be scared a lot of Dr's refer what turn out to be perfectly normal pregnancies to neonatologists these days just because of the risks associated with rising malpractice insurance rather than the risks of the pregnancy.

For me my POTS symptoms go away when I'm pregnant and it lasts for several months after the baby's birth. But going to a Dr. who specialized in complicated births always made me feel reassured that if anything should go wrong they would be alert and able to handle it because that's what they do. I now have 3 healthy kiddo's the youngest will be 11 months on June 22nd.. Hang in there I know it's scary being pregnant with a medical condition, Heck it's scary even without one! But hang in there sometimes pregnancy is a POTS girls best friend :)

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Hi Sabrina -

Like Emily, I have no tips to offer, but just wanted to say welcome & congrats. Do keep us posted!


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