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Any Teachers? Need Some Advice


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I'm currently a second grade teacher and am terrified for this upcoming year. I just got diagnosed and this new medicine makes me feel so weak. Any teachers out there with advice on how they got through the year? I did it last year but this year my symptoms are getting worse!

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I would also like to hear about this topic. I am a preservice teacher (high school) and worked as a TA in second grade last year. I worked helf-time so that was a big help! It is very challenging. I sat down whenever possible, which was most of the time as my primary responsibility was tutoring.

Practicing energy conservation in every aspect of life can help. Here are a couple of resources I found:



There are a few other teachers here. Hopefully they will join in. There was some discussion of this on a careers poll awhile back, if you want to search for it.

How long have you been on the new medicine, and have you discussed this side-effect with your doc? Maybe there is an alternative.

Currently I am in the process of asking for accommodations for my student teaching next spring. I am a little scared to do it, but I know that demands on teachers can quickly spiral out of control. Thus I feel the need to state my limitations up front so that I can work within them.

When does your school year start?

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Thank you for the energy conservation strategies! I might give them a try! :)

I just got on the medicine maybe a month ago, I saw the side effects was fatigue so haven't really discussed yet with the doc. But when I go in for a checkup I want to talk to her.

Yeah I know I need to sit a lot, I have a few chairs and stools conveniently placed around my room haha hopefully helps. I just had inservice today and it was rough. I start school next Tuesday.

I hope the other teachers join as well would really enjoy their adivce! I haven't told my principal yet but I know I should soon just in case anything happens.

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Good luck! I know it's a big move to talk to the principal but it may be for the best. Other thoughts are:

- Ask for an occupational therapy referral from your doc. Say that you are unsure about your ability to keep doing your job, but you would like to for as long as possible. An occupational therapist can tailor recommendations for your needs and job specifics.

- If you have a TA, don't be afraid to use her. Let your grade team know about your struggles, identify the parts of the day that drain the most of your energy, and get help during those times.

- Consider a mobility scooter or wheelchair. I know that's a big step, too. But all that standing/sitting/moving around can really stress our systems. Plus the kids would love it. B)

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Thank you for all the advice and support! :) Yeah I'm going to tell my team at my next inservice along with my principal. I just don't want them to judge me even more especially since I am fresh out of college. This will be 2nd year teaching...

I never thought of OT, that's a good idea.

Thank you again for all the advice and support. I know this will sound silly when I have my family and my boyfriend, but it's nice to know I'm not alone in this fight. I was a little defeated after finally getting diagnosed because theres not a cure just faith that I will eventually heal. It's just so frustrating when i can feel my body weakening yet doc says it will just go away!

I wish you the best of luck in your teaching as well! Maybe use some of your tips to me for you as well.

p.s. I'm sure the kids would love the scooter! hahaha

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Well, I hear you! I question my decision to teach on a regular basis. Right now I am starting three grad history courses and feel like I may not make it. I have to ask myself, if I can't do this, why do I think I can teach? It's a question without an easy answer. On the other hand, it's not something I feel I can just give up on without trying. So, yes, I should use some of these tips for myself! I am thinking of asking my doc for a disabled tag to use on campus, where parking is a nightmare.

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I am a ballet teacher but to a certain degree I am sure our challenges cross over. I teach from 3 year olds to adults. Although I love my job there are times I when I feel it is all getting too much for me I often feel older than my 50 years after an evening session!

I try to make sure before I return for term I am as organised as I can be. All my lessons plans and all that relates to our show is organised before I start. I have lists for each week so I don't forget anything

During term time I find energy for home life very limited so I plan menus and prepare frozen meals, clean my house thoroughly before term starts so during term I can rest a bit more on a sunday before the week starts.

As for teaching I find a few minutes after taking the register to have a chat with the kids to tell me all their exciting news stops some of the chattering. I no longer shout over them to be quiet but raise my hand say thank you then I sit down until they are quiet! It took a few weeks and a lot of waiting to work but they soon responded, I find trying to shout over them totally exhausting!

I wish you both luck in the new term

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Thanks for your input, Dancer! On of my personal struggles is organization. I know that it would help me so much, so trying to grow in that area.

Your chat-time before class is a great idea. My cooperating teacher in my practicum last year had a similar strategy. Only with teens, he would ask them a specific question as a class - something they would be interested in. It set a good mood for the class.

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I was a teacher- not teaching now but most recently taught kindergarten. I'm not sure what kind of school you teach in my but last year I had two fabulous home room moms. They helped especially with holiday activities. If parent helpers are allowed I'd be selective

I also suggest a regular chair on wheels if at all possible. I taught undiagnosed but I'd totally make use of compression stockings and shoes that are helpful- I do well with an unstable rocker bottom style. You can always keep a pair at school.

I think the great thing about the younger ages (I'm certified K-12) is that you can often move when you need to and ususally sit when you need to. Are your students at individual desks or tables?

definitely make use of job charts for the students- that's a win/win. I used lots of caddys- like a cleaning product carrier. I bought them at the dollar store and loaded them for different subjects or for each table. Hopefully that makes sense.

Having a degree in exceptional education even when I was teaching " regular" Ed I seemed to end up with some children that other teachers found to be challenging. This also happens to new teachers I think. If your children don't have individual desks I came up with a great plan. I attached name tags to the tables with Velcro dots- the glue will come off at the end of the year. It was very helpful as a behavior management tool becuase I could change the seating order every day if needed or quickly move/separate students without a much disruption to the group.

One year I had a class with about 7-8 undiagnosed/diagnosed learning differences and some behavior problems. It was exhausting so mixing things up really helped. That class was heavily male so I had to keep the girls from getting too exclusive. I'm sending you a pm

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