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Raw Milk

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Does anyone drink raw goat or cow milk? If so, are there any symptoms that it seems to help you with. I was wondering if it helped with pain and inflammation. I found a farm near my home and bought a gallon of raw goat milk. I have not given any to Tyler yet but my older son and I have been drinking it. From looking at the research, there seems to be many benefits of drinking raw milk. I am thinking about using it as a supplement with Tyler to see if it would help boost his immune system and help with pain issues. Just wondering if anyone had tried raw milk and had any positive benefits from it.

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I agree with you Katybug about the compromised immune system. My husband and I were shown the milk room and the barns. You need to know where and how your milk is being handled. If I see some good results with this choice, I am thinking about buying some milk goats.

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I believe in raw whole milk from older breeds. The breed does matter. I also believe in eggs that are truly free ranged on quality forage, and not marketed as such (and sold at Wal Mart). I also believe in oily sea fish, and red meat.

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I have the free range chickens and our family has been enjoying the fresh eggs. I started Tyler on the goat milk at a low dosage. So far he has not had any problems and I wil gradually raise the dosage up week by week. My husband, oldest son and I have been drinking the the milk for almost 2 weeks and have not had any problems. I am beginning to cook with it and thinking about making some soap.

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It costs more, but if it is a practical option, it can be a value added product. Here, it costs me more than any benefit I might receive. There is not anyone selling it in my immediate area.

Most States inspect and tightly regulate raw milk sales. They are often held to a higher standard. I would feel comfortable purchasing raw milk in these States, and from someone that I know.

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Goat soap is awesome. I love my goat soap when I can get some.

Never have done the raw milk thing, but I have a friend who swears it helped her manage her issues immensely, as well as cleared her skin, etc. she doesn't have pots like I do, but I can see where it's made a difference in her looks (she looks healthier than she did prior to drinking it).

I would love to try it, just for the flavor. I'm kinda like a foodie in my circle, so I'm always up for weird and unusual stuff, and they say it tastes good...

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I used to drink it for a time when I lived in CA. It is illegal in NC, where I live now. However, I can still get imported cheeses made with raw milk. I thought it tasted very good! I was drinking it to boost my immunity, however, as I have always gotten sick easily. I did not notice any difference in the rate I got sick. Probiotics, on the other hand, have helped immensely. There is a lot of science as to the benefits of raw milk. However, it does need to be carefully inspected for ill animals and probably should be avoided by the immunocompromised.

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So far Tyler has not had any problems on the goat milk. If you google Happy Days Goat Dairy articles, you will find several article written by a dietician on the nutrient value of goat milk.

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