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Anyone Else Having Bad Flare-Up For The Last Week? S. Ontario?

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Hey all - haven't been on here in a while but I've been having the worst flare-up for the last week.

I'm in S. Ontario - at first I thought it was low barometric pressure but it hasn't been that low really.

This has been ongoing for a good week now. I don't think I've had a POTS flare-up last this long before and I'm starting to get freaked out.

I have been basically flat on my back doing nothing. Soon as I move around my heart is just thumping in my chest so bad.

The kicker is about 2 weeks ago I was feeling fine enough that I was able to pull slash carry a garbage bag of clothes for donation quite a ways away, about 20 min. walk, and walk back home, and I was just fine, and it was a hotter, muggier day than what it's been the last week here. When I feel ok I am able to go for a walk but this past week has been just awful for me.

I keep coming on dinet and reading the symptoms list to reassure myself but the tachycardia and shortness of breath is scary. (I'm not actually diagnosed POTS as mine comes & goes.) I feel tremulous, shaky in my hands, my feet and hands are ice cold most of the time, I could go on. I have to fight hyperventilating as the SoB is so bad.

I might go to the walk-in clinic tomorrow afternoon but I know what'll happen - they'll take my BP & pulse lying down and maybe standing and probably won't be that bad. It's happened before. It's moving around that gets crazy.

All my time lying on the couch has me thinking of all kinds of wild conjectures of possible reasons for this to be so bad: (don't laugh!) weather, cosmic misalignment, ley lines, some farmer around here spraying some chemical, chemtrails..! I've had flare-ups before but this one just won't go the **** away! Mine usually last 3 to 4 days.

Anyone else particularly in my region having a bad flare-up recently?

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I am having a bad flare up today. Just weak, and lightheaded and no energy. I don't know how I am going to make it through work today! Hope you feel better soon!!!

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Thanks for the replies everyone!

I spent $16 on a cab ride to the walk-in clinic today, only to be turned away because they were just packed busy... she said they couldn't take one more person. I was only there an hour and a half after the clinic started! Fridays there's no clinic, so now it's either go to the ER or wait till Saturday morning clinic.

It occurred to me that possibly this isn't POTS but my anemia coming back. The symptoms are just so similar for both! And I've been taking lactoferrin which I've done extensive reading on and is supposed to sequester iron and shuttle it to where it's supposed to go in the body. But it occurred to me that possibly it's not helping me at all but depleting my iron?? It's not supposed to, buttttttt........? I've had paradoxical reactions to pharmaceutical drugs in the past.

I only had 4 iron pills left & I've taken them all today so somehow tomorrow I have to find a way to get somewhere to buy some more.

(This might gross some people out) I also took some frozen lamb liver & grated it and made a raw liver smoothie with it, drank about 4 glasses of it today. Desperate times call for desperate measures! I suppose it would take a few days for me to feel any difference with that (if this is anemia) On the Weston Price page it says it takes half a pound of liver for about 5 days to notice a difference.

I'm just so tired of this pounding heartbeat and persistent SoB. It's fatiguing. I slept till 3:30 this afternoon, did nothing all day except a cab ride & a bus ride, and I'm exhausted.

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