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Can't Calm Down!!!!!!!!


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I am so anxious!!!! I have a job interview tomorrow. I have never had a job before and have been job searching since september 2013 and had one interview like almost a year ago and now this will be my second job interview. my last interview i wasn't so nervous for it was for bagging at giant so i didn't mind if i didn't get the job. This one is to be an assistant at the front desk of a library which i really want. I am so nervous that I am shaky, my insides feel weird and jumpy, having digestive issues, and just can't relax. Now my one finger is tingling when i type which idk if its from a anxiety or a pinched nerve in my neck or what. I have tried everything to calm down it just keeps getting worse and worse. I am also nervous that I am g sign to get a migraine when i am on the interview. thankfully whenever i get my migraines i have been home and not out somewhere. That is one of my fears is being in public and getting a migraine. I get slurred speech and panic when i get migraines. does anxiety flare up dysautonomia symptoms? how do you guys relax? I am so nervous my bp is a little higher. it usually runs 90s/60s and its 112/63 which is still normal but a little higher than i usually run. How do you guys stop the shaking and the jumpy inside feeling? I just hope i can sleep tonight!!

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Hi artluvr,

I know this is small comfort, but it's perfectly normal, POTS or no POTS, for young people to be nervous, very nervous before a job interview. For that matter, old people too! Unfortunately, one of the things that helps make you less nervous about it is more experience with it. So my best advice is to look at this interview as a great opportunity to gain experience, whether you get the job or not. Your a great person and I have confidence that will come through in your interview...it certainly comes through on the internet.

Are you able to take a warm (not hot) bath with some bath bubbles or oil that scent you enjoy? Or maybe an Epsom salt bath? Do you have any chamomile or mint tea (herbal, decaf) that you could sip on both of which have soothing properties? Would asking your parents or grandma to do a mock interview with you a couple times make you feel more prepared and less anxious about your readiness to answers questions?

I have a secret to tell you....I interviewed and hired hundreds of people in my career and the person conducting the interview is likely a little nervous too. So be your sweet self and believe that you are worthy.

Good luck tomorrow! I know you'll do great! Let us know how it goes.


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artluvr09, I am sorry that you feel this way.

I like to read and focus on something from my Bible. Then lying down in a dark room, and deep breathing.

Remind yourself that all will be well. It is difficult enough to worry about what might happen tomorrow. Forget tomorrow, and just concern yourself with relaxing now. Take one step at a time, and worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.

I hope that you feel better soon. I will be thinking about you tomorrow, and expect that it will go well for you. Regardless, appreciate and enjoy the opportunity.

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Thanks guys!!!! I think the interview went really well!!! I finally calmed down around 9pm last night and slept real well. I even had a dream about the interview lol. Anyway I made sure I had a good lunch before i went a onion and cheese omelet with toast and a strawberry and a banana. I went to the interview and I love the library! Thankfully it is nice and cool in the library unlike the one i usually go to which gets stuffy. It was huge! two floors! and they have an elevator so i won't have to climb the stairs all the time :). I was able to keep my anxiety down and I really liked the two people that interviewed me. The lady was really nice. She asked me a bunch of questions and we even just chatted freely. She even took me on a tour of the library and she showed me where everything is and what i would be doing. the interview took a whole hour! I thought it went great and the lady that interviewed me said I did great! :). I am so excited. I think i have a good chance at getting the job. I told my parents about it and they said it looks promising! I am so excited! also nervous but excited! I never had a job before and this would be my first job :)

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