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Omega 3's and Fatty Acids, etc...


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I have talked to lots of patients with dysautonomia who have some success with eating lots of Salmon and other fish that contain all the great Omega Fatty Acids and essential fish oils. A friend of mine tried a product from Nordic that contains all the fish oils considered to be "essential" and you take 1/2 tsp. daily- she swears it has helped her feel better (she is a normal healthy person, though).

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I ordered some, but as always, I'm nervous to take anything new. I just can't stand salmon ;)

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I have also read about omega-3s and flaxseed oil, etc. I have wondered myself if it would be helpful but also afraid to try things. As a medical transcriptionist I visit a website for networking with other MTs and they have a health board and many who have taken flaxseed oil, etc. said they noticed a great improvement. I'll be interested in hearing from others too if they have tried them or noticed anything helpful with it. To the original poster (sorry forgot your name) if you try it, keep us updated! I'll be following the post to see and will also add it to my list of things to ask the doctor about. Good idea!

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I take evening primrose oil and cod liver oil. I used to have dry mucous membranes all winter where the inside lining of my nose would always be hurting. The above seemed to solve that problem and I'm very grateful. Also, I don't seem to notice my restless leg syndrome anymore, but I can't be sure of exactly what I did to help that. I know I'm going to stay on the above because I know the fatty acids are an important part of our cell membranes and we tend not to get enough.

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I began adding omega-3's to my diet about a month ago after reading an article about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and brain cells. Something about the fatty acids being needed for transport or something .... gosh I guess it hasn't helped my memory at all :-) But I DO feel better when I am taking omega 3's.

As a vegetarian my choices are limited. Flax seed oil is the highest non-fish source and walnuts are pretty good as well.

If you are interested in trying it ... start slow and work your way up and see if you feel a diference.

Good luck!


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Guest tearose

I regularly eat tuna, salmon and sardines weekly. When I faithfully took flax seed oil, I actually did feel it helped. After about three weeks my mobility felt improved. I don't stick with supplements for long though, I can't explain why, I just get off track!

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I take E, primrose oil and DHA. I don't know if these help at all with my POTS/NCS, however, the E and primrose definitely help with my bloating and cystic breasts and cramping related to my menstual cycle. When I'm off those, I'm in a lot more discomfort.

Nina ;)

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