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Horrible Migraine Today


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I had a terrible migraine today. It was one of the worst ones I had. I was fine when I woke up except for random crankiness which was probably a before effect of the migraine. I went to church. My stomach started feeling odd not bad just a sour stomach. then I ate lunch and after lunch I was doing the dishes and I usually like to sing when I do the dishes to pass the time and I started noticing something odd that I started not to think right. I couldn't remember the lyrics of the songs I know them to and I started getting slurred speech. After a little while of slurred speech and not thinking right I then tried to type on the computer but it came out in gibberish because my brain wouldn't cooperate. I knew what I wanted to type but my hands wouldn't type what I wanted then I kept misspelling words and not using the right ones my brain was jumbled it was like I was losing my mind. If that aint scary enough then the right side of my face goes numb and my right hand. Then I got lightheaded and couldn't see straight and couldn't read. The aurora's lasted for like an hour then they went away and then comes the headache part. My head hurt like crazy and I was so nausceous! That lasted about two hours. It finally went away and I am so relieved. Now I am just worn out tired from that. Does anyone get weird migraines like this? What do you do to help your migraines?

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I just had one like this yesterday. I had the visual aura, then the confusion and inability to speak, dizziness, then the headache. Not fun. I tried Excedrin, but it did not work this time. I called my doctor because I was out of my migraine medicine, but since he did not prescribe it, they asked that I come in. But by the time I made it to the doctor's office I couldn't talk and my pupils were unequal. That scared him, so he sent me to the ER. Sigh.

In the ER they gave me a drug which works really well, but I have horrible mood side effects- It's called Reglan. In 15 minutes after IV administration I could speak again, but I had to endure extreme agitation and restlessness and panic. This fades quickly but while it is happening it is really scary. Apparently Reglan does this to many people.

After I had recovered somewhat I asked for a prescription for Axert, and they gave it to me. I take it when I begin to have the auras and it seems to prevent it from progressing. That's all I really wanted in the first place.

I know now to always keep some on hand, even though the complex migraines only happen maybe a few times a year.

BTW, the name for migraines such as these is complex or hemiplegic.

I have been sleeping a lot after this one, just slept about 12 hours straight. Hope you can get some rest and recover, too.

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Does anyone get weird migraines like this? What do you do to help your migraines?

Yes! I was diagnosed with complex transformed migraine. My auras are more of the parasthesia/numbness/odd sensation variety but I definitely have difficulty communicating and thinking clearly. I remember trying to make an appointment with my neurologist's office and having trouble booking an appointment and the receptionist started to lose patience.

Because mine were so frequent (daily) they put me on a preventative. There are a lot of drugs used for preventative but many are in the anti-seizure family. I apparently was very lucky that the first one I tried worked! So, mine are much less horrible and painful when I do get them now.

A lot of people swear by the triptans, which unfortunately didn't work for me. But, if you get an aura you pop one and it keeps the migraine from getting really bad.

Ugh, sorry you had that!

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