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Ibs And Acid Reflux Flare Ups


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My question is regarding both IBS and acid reflux. It is already known that I have acid reflux and have suffered quite badly with this for about 7 years. I take a high dose PPI now which seems to get rid of a lot of the symptoms I come to associate with that. However, in February time I was diagnosed with suspected IBS (before my POTS diagnosis) but it is thought I had POTS at the time but obviously it just wasn't identified.

After around four weeks of rather bad POTS symptoms, this week and last I have been feeling a lot more energised and with it. Alongside this my bowel flare ups have been almost non-existent much to my relief as everytime they would happen I would get a faint feeling which obviously isn't very pleasant at all. However, every 2-3 weeks I have what seems to be a flare up. A flare up of what however I do not know, but my suspicions are it is possibly IBS or there is some sort of bowel connection - I just never knew it could feel so awful - so possibly the POTS/dysautomnia has something to play here.

These 'attacks' have only ever occured in the early evening (whether that is coincidence or not I do not know). I usually just get an all over feeling of something being off/wrong. Initially this obviously made me feeling panicked, but now I am used to this randomly happening I am as calm as can be at the same presentations occur. At this time I always have an urge to have a bowel movement, feel like I am full of air and burp alot, feel lightheaded, nauseous, dry mouth, shivery, shaky, headaches and just a sensation of awfulness. Without being too TMI usually the urge to pass a motion seems to fizzle into nothing or very little and this can go on for an hour or so with the feeling coming on and off, and eventually when I do pass something the sensation and feeling of horribleness tends to calm itself down. It never seems to go however until I actually sleep it off as my body just feels really fatigued and achy for the rest of the time I am awake. I also sometimes get itchy palms after the episode seems to have begun to calm down.

What I have noticed during these episodes which I cannot understand or cannot seem to relate to IBS is during these episodes I have really erratic blood pressure readings. My blood pressure normally swings anywhere between 100/60 up to 120/80'ish on a general day to day basis, however during these times my blood pressure is usually high e.g. 145/110 and very much all over the place. My diastolic is usually always >90mmHg.

My question is, has anybody else experienced these symptoms specifically in relation to the erratic or high blood pressure? I know hyperadrenergic pots can cause high blood pressure, but these attacks occur so randomly and are few and far between that I can't really think it would be that.

The only other thing that I can relate to these attacks is since I got diagnosed I started taking Vitamin B-complex multivitamins, each of which are around 1000% RDA including B12. I haven't been diagnosed with a B12 deficiency, nor has my blood came back suggesting I am anaemic (however I haven't had a specific Vitamin B12 test), but the only two other times a flare up has occurred this badly including this time is that I haven't taken the B-complex tablet that day.

Is there a common link between these things that I am missing? Would love to hear other peoples storys regarding the above, even if our IBS symptoms sound very similar, even to make me just feel a little better that I am not the only one! I guess each time it happens it feels so alarming and that something isn't right that its difficult to think that, 'its just IBS!'

Thanks in advance. I appreciate everyone taking the time to reply. Have a lovely day x

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Forgot to mention... I've heard the vagus nerve passed around a little and it being a vaso-vagal reaction, however I would seem to think this would result in me having really low blood pressure. Occasionally this does occur at points during when my blood pressure becomes erratic but a higher blood pressure predominates, so I don't know whether this fits. Can a large amount of air (from swallowing so much air maybe related to having to drink so much) actually cause something to be pressed on that may cause such erratic changes?

Whilst I was at hospital and I was attached to a Holter Monitor there was occasions when it would flash up saying I had, had a PAC/PVC. Another theory im thinking is possibly when this is bad, this causes me to get the pounding sensation in my heart along with all the other symptoms and as a result this leads to momentary changes in my blood pressure. When these stop possibly this is when my symptoms cease. Does anyone know whether this is closely related to acid reflux/hiatal hernia and ibs?

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I have same issues. Everytime I burp my heart skips a beat. I have had similar feelings with low blood sugar. Something to look at. Also b vitamins dilate blood vessels further. Had some really bad attacks on vitamins. B6 is in that complex and if in the form of pyrodoxine is toxic to nerves. Your lucky you can still take ppi. I was on then for 8 years and they suddenly began increasing my nerve pain.

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Have you considered whether or not you might have mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS)? MCAS is often found in dysautonomia patients and one of the major symptoms, that often gets diagnosed as IBS, is acid reflux and basically all the other IBS-like symptoms that you describe. There are large quantities of mast cells in the gi tract as it is a major part of the immune system, so when there is a mast cell degranulation, the bowel is significantly affected. Since you have itchy palms and faint feelings with bp fluctuations, MCAS might be something worthwhile to look into. I was diagnosed with IBS at first but then we finally figured out the MCAS diagnosis. Once I got on a decent MCAS treatment program, my stomach issues (which were violent at the top and bottom of my gi tract) became much much better. Not perfect but better.

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This may be stupid, but I was wondering if it could possibly have anything to do with what you eat for dinner? Could there be anything that you have become allergic to that's triggering symptoms? It might be worth recording what you eat on different days and see if there is any correlation between that and how you feel. Or even how much you eat? I have to eat small amounts and can get really ill if I eat too much for me, and get a flare up of symptoms.

I hope you can find a solution soon.

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