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Extreme Nausea After Medication!?!

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Ugh. I hate feeling sick. Today I had to stay home from church. I woke up feeling fine, took my medicine, and not two minutes later, I was kneeling over the toilet about to throw up. I never actually did, but there were a couple of dry heaves in there, and I generally felt awful. Is there any reason that I should feel this way after taking my medicine? I'm currently taking .2 of Florinef in the morning, 2 salt tablets, one probiotic capsule, and a B Complex vitamin. At night (because this also happens at night), I am taking .1 of Florinef, 2 salt tablets, one probiotic capsule, a vitamin D pill, and one Melatonin. Do you think this is caused by something I'm taking, or just the act of swallowing so many pills? Is there anything I could do to combat this???

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I was on Florinef and had to stop because it made me nauseated, and even made it so I couldn't eat and threw up when I did. Additionally, Sodium tablets are incredibly harsh on the stomach, I personally have to take mine on a full stomach or I get super sick. Since its so soon after taking meds, my guess would be it is the sodium, do you take it on an empty stomach? Even if you have been taking it for a while, I didn't start getting sick taking sodium tabs on an empty stomach until a few weeks after I started taking them.

Hope this helped

Fainting Goat

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Yes the condition and the meds can cause nausea. I've found it happen with mine. An additional thought is maybe the salt tablets could have an emetic action? Just a thought.

I also take my supps with plenty of water or food even better.

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I'm guessing, based on what everyone has said, that it is the Salt Tabs. I guess Ill try taking them on a full stomach this evening. If I'm not able to find a way to take them that doesn't cause me to feel violently ill, what do you guys suggest for getting enough salt? I hate salty foods, and when I looked at the Nuun tablets, it looked like I would have to drink the entire container in a day to get close to the salt intake I need. Tips, anyone?

I'm currently still feeling the effects of whatever it was right now, even though it's been several hours. Is this typical? Or could this mean it's the Florinef that's the problem? I really hope this isn't the case, because it has been the only thing that allows me to function right now. Midodrine made me nauseated, too...

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I have allergies to some meds and have 'adverse reactions' to some others. last time I tried an antibiotic -- Rulide,1 pill -- I was throwing up within 20minutes and continued to do so for 2 hours. Then I was freezing cold (v. unusual for me) and had to climb into bed for a couple of hours with every blanket in the house piled on top of me as I was shuddering from the cold. That lasted another two hours. Then, after 4 hours in total, my body returned to its usual 'too warm' state. I did wonder if I should have gone to a hospital at the time but an allergist specialist said no when I told him about that reaction some time later. He just said it was an 'adverse reaction,' not an allergy.?? I wish he'd taken some more time to explain it to me fully. It just left me feeling scared of taking antibiotics as I've had other sorts of 'adverse reactions' to the 4 I've tried in the last 12 years. When I asked him what to do when/if I needed to try another anti-biotic he said I'd just have to take it and see what happens????? I've gotta wonder why things have to be so hard.

Luckily I was able to pinpoint that the antibiotic had caused the problem as I'd eaten nothing new or taken other new meds that day.


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I had an extremely bad reaction to the last antibiotic I took, too! I took Amoxicillin for bronchitis, and within twenty minutes, I was so dizzy I couldn't stand up, and felt extremely nauseated. (And this was before the POTS!) I took it twice, and got the same reaction both times. Needless to say, I discontinued that... Haven't taken an antibiotic since.

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In regards to your salt question I use sea salt instead of tablets. I mix it in a small amount of water and just swallow it quickly. I follow it with a large amount of fluid to further dilute it out. I also take it with my meals so I have food in my stomach as well. I don't experience any nausea taking it this way.


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You might have a problem with the filler in one or more of your medications. I have a maize starch allergy that causes extreme nausea and massive inflammation in my stomach, even at very small doses - maize starch is commonly used as a filler in medications and vitamin pills so, when I must take a pill, I opt for the ones with other fillers.

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