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Lightheaded When Bending Down


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I was at the beach yesterday because I wanted to take some pictures. First we went to the lighthouse walked around and I took some pics. But I had a bag with me and I kept having to set it down to take a picture and pick it back up. I didn't get lightheaded until we were almost done at the lighthouse I thought it was just because I was tired. But then we went to the beach so I can take a couple pictures but I was ligthehaded I started to walk toward the waves and I just felt like I could not see straight things got blurry I knew if I did not take pics I would be kicking myself in the but later so I forced myself to walk a little more and I saw shells and picked some up I think that might have made it worse so a couple of pictures then I was done. I felt so lightehasded I just wanted to go back in the car so we did. Does bending down a lot make you lightheaded? It still btohers me that I did not get enough pictures that I wanted.

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It makes me feel lightheaded too. I got a purpose made bag to take my camera and lenses. It's quite easy to change lenses while wearing the bag and I can take some extra bites and bottles to keep hydrated! I haven't been able to go out and use it for quite some time now but when I can, I'm all ready to go! Hope this helps, I know how disappointing it can be to have to go home without being able to take the pics you'd wanted!

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Yep, bending forward, down can make me feel lightheaded. Lifting my arms above my head used to do it too but this has stopped -- a small win there.

It's off the point a bit but I was adviced to crouch/sort of squat when I needed to get something from the floor or a low shelf rather than bending over, but find that upon standing back up I would experience tachycardia. At that time I could walk for hours (although I'd get tachy when I had to stand and wait at lights to cross roads so eventually I learned to sit on the pavement) and swim for 2kms -- I was very fit. I had that tachy symptom many years when standing and squatting -- long before diagnosis. I just adjusted my actions to it, thought I was a bit weird but never questioned a doc about it. I used to find that just about any weird 'little' symptom I asked about way back when was dismissed.


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