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Take Alpha Lipoic Acid?


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I take 600mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid daily. I had been cautioned that there was the possibility of an increase in blood pooling but I have not found that to be the case with me. I believe it may help decrease my neuropathic pain to a small degree. If you do a search you will find other postings on ALA.


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Tyler tried the dosage at 600 mg for 3 months and he could not tell any difference with pain. I am going to try this with him again after we get his methylation cycle working better. From what I'm reading, if this cycle is not working properly than nutrients and supplements cannot be absorbed by the body.

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I take 300mg daily. My neuro thinks it should help with my small fiber neuropathy. I still don't feel anything (no side effects too!), but maybe I need to wait some more time. However, another doc told me recently ALA is only thought to help with diabetic polyneuropathy. (Don't have that...)

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