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Have You Noticed Yourself Getting Low Iron?


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Some years ago I was found to have severe enough levels of anaemia that I qualified to have the camera test free -- the one where you swallow a camera in a pill and it travels from mouth to toilet and they get to see what's going on. Not long before I was scheduled to have the test I asked the gastroenterologist could he test me again for anaemia. All I can say is that I intuited that something had changed. And my levels came back in the low but normal range. These tests were about a month apart. I changed nothing in that time in my diet nor did I take iron supplements etc. Unfortunately I was no longer eligible for the free camera test because of the improved levels,and had to decline having it done as I would have had to pay about 2 thousand dollars out of pocket for it back then.

The reason I asked for the second test was that I had suspected that sometimes my readings seemed to change for no reason at all. It certainly confirmed they can change within a month, quite dramatically, for me. It was never explained to me how this could happen. The gastroenterologist just shrugged. He didn't even want to speculate. I mentioned it to some of my other docs at the time and neither did they want to offer an suggestions as to why. Very frustrating.


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I have hereditary hemochromatosis - which means my body stores too much iron. So prior to getting POTS my iron was borderline high, even when I was vegetarian. Now it's low normal...which might be like a version of low iron for me?? One of my doctors was pleased with my lower iron level and I was like uh...I've done nothing at all except get a chronic illness so I'm not sure how this is a good accomplishment!

How is iron related to catecholamines?

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I have just recently been diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. I have never had that problem before. We don't yet know why. I consume iron rich foods and I am not losing blood so I have been referred to a hematologist for evaluation. I guess absorption issues will need to be explored at some point. I have developed more of a problem with keeping my weight up as time has gone by. I do have very high catacholamine levels but I don't know if that is in any way related to my anemia issue.


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I have the exact opposite problem... my sisters and I carry genes for a variant of hemochromocytosis which leads to higher than normal serum iron. Thankfully, this hasn't caused any problems for any of us yet

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