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Brain Fog ;/


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I hate brain fog! It has been worse lately probably from the weird weather changes and all. I was wondering, Do any of you feel like you have trouble seeing? like I can see but It is like I cant focus on what I am looking at and I get lightheaded and brain foggy. like I get lightheaded and then I feel like my voice sounds weird like im in slomo or something.

Also I have been feeling really strange like im in a dream and everyday goes by without me realizing. I have also been feeling depressed like im so tired of being tired. Anyone else get like this?

Oh a tip for migraine sufferers:

I recently had a migraine a couple weeks ago and we figured out what makes them worse. Processed meats. I was having balogne sandwhich everyday and cheese curls and then I stopped having that since the migraine and I think it is helping. I also was feeling tense anxious and agitated for no r\eason for a little while and as soon as I stopped eating balogne and hot dogs I have been feeling relaxed.

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I find the brain fog hard - that is my main symptom. On the bad days it is like I am only 70% here. I'm not having such bad days at the moment, I am more like 86% here now. It is hard feeling that way. On one occaision I walked my daughter to school and just cried as soon as I got home for about 3 minutes - then pulled myself together. I think its doubly hard that nobody in my life really gets it so I'm choosing not to discuss it much with my friends and family. My husband gets it but I don't want him to consider me 'ill' so I don't discuss it much with him.

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Brain fog is my worst symptom, because it means I can’t read. I can’t really read more than a paragraph before losing concentration and feeling a worsening of symptoms. Very frustrating!

When you say you have trouble seeing, d’you mean like blurred vision? I get that sometimes (especially with reading), I think it’s meant to be quite common with the condition.

As for being tired of being tired, I know what you mean!

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Brain fog is definitely my worst symptom. I can relate to everything said above. Feeling like beeing in a dream, everything happening in slomo, only being 70% present. Being unable to read. Sometimes I get the feeling that being stationery most of the day makes it worse. But as soon as I move, the pots kicks in, and there's no relief. Just a vicious cycle. Haven't yet found anything that helps for me.

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Brain fog and fuzzy vision. Affects me at work the most. Over the weekend I was driving and wanted to roll down the window.. Instead of pushing the button on my door I pressed the ac button down. It's those simple things that that I notice my Fam notice but the rest of my friends and coworkers don't always notice

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Yep, my mom doesn't understand why I can't go to college online since I wouldn't be standing but it's because my brain fog is so bad I can't think. I've been wanting to work on my novel and read books and I can't because it's so bad. I found that when I was on the adderall it helped a lot with brain fog but they won't put me back on it because they are worried about my fast heart rates even though it makes me feel better.

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