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Scary Migraine Last Night Anyone Else Have These?


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Last night around 10 pm It started with weird visual disturbances. I went to look at my finger and it felt disconnected from my body then I felt super lightheaded couldn't see right tried to read stuff but it was all blury and discombobulated. when my mom talked it seemed weird and then my left hand went numb and my left temple and my nose tingled and my upper lip tingled. then what never happened with my migraines before is my left foot went numb too. that was strange. after all those symptomsi I got a headache. the headaches aren't that bad but its uncomfortable. I did not get to sleep until midnibght cuase of the migraine. Today I still feel off. No headache but just very tired and weak and a little disoriented. is that normal after a migraine? and what is weird is after my showre around 930 am when I breath in underneath my left breast aches it still does and it is 12:111 now. I don't know why my chest is hurting. Anyone get these symptoms? What do u do for them? they get real scary. I thought I was going to pass out last night. and I don't undertand my chest aching.

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Thanks :) It's so frustrating though since the migraine last night my energy is wiped and my mind is still foggy. I have places to go tonight with new friends I made and I hope I get enough energy!! I exercised a little today but it only gave me energy for like 30 minutes. this is frustrating. Why did I have to get a migraine the night before I go out with friends!!

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Hey, I agree with what everyone else is saying. I do get random pains in my chest, but not really sure why. But the other things definitely sound like they are auras. I get a lot of visual disturbances now with headaches including colour vision change (colours switch with each other). I know that the auras can get kind of scary at times! Some of the feeling weird today might be because you didn't sleep as well as you normally would -- just a thought, I obviously can't say for certain.

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just to add, I have read that some people might feel exhausted after a migraine, others might feel a sort of euphoria (possibly because the pain has ended??). In my case, I feel exhausted. I believe it's called the 'post-dromal' phase, if memory serves me correctly (which it often doesn't anymore...sigh).

However, I've always been taught that when I experience ANY new form of migraine it should be discussed with my doctor to rule out any other problems.

I also get chest pains - different types. My latest, which has been happening for months feels like a wide elastic band around the front of my chest, just below my breasts. It comes and goes and can last for hours. Often standing up will relieve it for a while but it comes back when I sit down (actually, I semi-recline, rather than sit -- less potsy that way).


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Hi artluvr,

every symptom you describe seems very typical for a migraine with aura. I do have occasional migraines of that type and can relate to all of the symptoms.

There are two things that always help me, when I feel an aura-migraine coming: Eating an apple, and drinking a cup of strong black tea.

Wish you to feel better very soon!

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