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Is This Feeling 'dizziness' Or Is It Something Else?


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I feel lightheaded, and also on some days I get a number of moments that last about a second where I get a dizzy sort of feeling in my head - it does not effect my balence in any way, it is almost as if there is a tiny seizure in my head - but I don't think it is a seizure. I notice I get them more if I have a hot drink, also after a meal or last week I, perhaps foolishly went to a yoga class in a warm room and had a lot of dizzy moments the next day - I think I got deydrated.

Does anyone else get this dizzy feeling. I have been thinking maybe it is caused by missed heart beats? I don't really know how to describe it to my doctor.

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I have little 'blips' that I describe as the feeling when you're on a roller coaster and you're at the top of a drop and right when the coaster goes down, you get that weightless feeling but it's in your head.

Or when you're in your car on a country road and you go over a little hill too fast and you get that little lightheaded feeling for just a second.

I'm not sure if it's a missed heart beat or a drop in blood pressure???

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I believe that feeling, if it is what you are experiencing, is called "all gone." I get that feeling when I have PVC's or PACs. Or, I have also experienced "brain zaps" when discontinuing a medicine too fast.

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My husband. Hahahaha! Actually, I just asked him and he said he read it as a heart term on the Internet. I googled it and can't find it anywhere. But, it certainly can feel like that so maybe he is right, eh?

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His is related to his heart as he has atrial Fib. I don't know what you are feeling of course. I remember when I first got very dizzy my primary care doc kept questioning me to figure out what to look at. His main question was whether I was lightheaded or dizzy. I couldn't figure out what he was asking me but then he asked if the room was moving. I think vertigo is when the room moves and lightheaded is when you just feel like you are about to pass out. Brain zaps are like an electrical feeling in my head (happened when getting off Effexor for me). I sure hope you feel better!

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