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Very Bad Night...anyone Experience This??

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I have been dealing with nausea (a new symptom) and other gastric issues (delayed emptying, bloating) for the past few months and it has gotten so much worse lately. Last night after eating a few pretzels and drinking water, I feel extremely nauseated! It was so powerful that it made my chest feel very heavy and cause palpitations and shortness of breath. It felt like I had trapped air or something. I could not throw up no matter what I tried, ironically! I ended up taking a 3 hr bath and forcing myself to fall asleep. When sleeping I could feel the pressure and my hr was very erratic. I eventually feel into a deep sleep, its like my reset button... Im surprised I didnt end up in the ER.

Has anyone else had this? I couldnt decide if I needed to throw up or burp, but neither would come! The pressure was scary though...Sorry if it was tmi, I just want to be prepared if it happens again :unsure:

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Hi, sorry you had a bad night. I get these sort of gastric issues all the time. The thing that has helped me the most has been the FODMAP diet that was developed by Monash University here in Australia. It basically involves excluding foods that are known to cause problems for people with IBS - eg bloating, nausea, motility issues etc. You can find more info via the following link:


There also a really useful app that helps you check what foods are OK. I also got help from a dietien who put me on the diet and I suggest seeing a dietien is helpful.

The diet has been really helpful amd completely resolved the bloating, but unfortunately I still get occasional periods of nausea and poor motility. For motility issues Mestinon has been helpful & for nausea anti nausea meds like Stemetil (but have to be careful with Stemetil due to potential side effect of low blood pressure) :-) .

Hope that helps.

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That all sounds familiar.I would even wake up in the middle of the night feeling breathless,bloated,nauseous and ocassionally numb in the face or limbs.During those periods i felt that my stomach was full for hours and that i couldn't digest anything.The doctor told me it was acid reflux and indeed it was as i had a gastroscopy and found out i had hietal hernia and inflamed oesophagus.Change of dietary habits and medication helped but in the long term what helped is to take out of my diet forever certain foods and also meditation before i go to sleep at night(there are many nice videos on YOUTUBE with soothing music and nice pics to help you relax-which also relaxes the stomach)Also for trapped air in stomach and bowel some herbal teas help.I drank anise herbal tea which helped me.Overall though it is what you eat that determines how soon you'll get rid of that new symptom.

I m sorry you had a bad night.I hope you are feeling better today :)

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How familiar this all sounds! I ate a piece of toast and a banana this morning and within 30 minutes I was bloated so bad that I looked 9 months pregnant! I went to work feeling like a beached whale - I have listened to my stomach making all sorts of strange noises and growls all day - thankfully, tonight the bloating is not quite as bad. These gastric symptoms are unfortunately not uncommon and we all deal with them usually on a daily basis - good luck and I hope you have a better night!

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Yes, please cut out the gluten! Cut out all grains, you should feel much better. When I eat grain-free for a couple of days my bloating gets so much better, then I think 'oh a couple of pieces of toast won't hurt' and bam! I look like I'm preggers with alien twins! (I don't learn my lessons very well!)

EDIT: And yes, I do find that after eating gluten my heart rate is erratic as well. Racing and skipping, it is frightening. And makes me super thirsty too! I think wheat should be left to the birds LOL

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